Hi Bruce,

Sorry for so many responses. I figured it out that I can visualize it using 

Besides this, can I visualize it in freeview, CARET, or some other tools? My 
goal is to display the ROI on a fsaverage inflated surface.

If it can be done in freeview, could you give me some instruction? In freeview, 
I found that I can only load ROI after I load a volume, but not after I load a 


Yung-Jui "Daniel" Yang, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale Child Study Center
New Haven, CT
(203) 737-5454

On 7/16/13 10:14 AM, "Yang, Daniel" 
<yung-jui.y...@yale.edu<mailto:yung-jui.y...@yale.edu>> wrote:

Hi Bruce,

Thanks so much! So I ran the following and obtained all the DK ROI labels.

mri_annotation2label --subject fsaverage --hemi rh --outdir <my_output_dir>

Then, I am wondering how I can use the label files. For example, can I overlay 
it on a brain in fslview?

The label file has many lines. Could you suggest what document I can read in 
order to interpret it? One of them is like, "1530  47.244  -41.285  -1.841 

Thanks for your help!

Yung-Jui "Daniel" Yang, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale Child Study Center
New Haven, CT
(203) 737-5454

On 7/16/13 9:32 AM, "Bruce Fischl" 
<fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

Hi Daniel

you could use the DK annotation of the fsaverage brain, which I think we
supply. The atlas itself is a compilation of multiple statistics and not
easily visualizable (except for the prior probability I guess).


On Tue, 16 Jul 2013, Yang, Daniel wrote:

Hi Bruce,
I am sorry, I mean, is there a DK atlas on a standard template brain (like
MNI 152)? sorry, I don't know how DK atlas works. Is it a probabilistic
atlas, or dependent on the exact folding pattern of the unique individual?
(I guess it's the latter).
I'd like to generate a ROI brain mask for a specific region on the DK atlas,
independent of the individual I ran. Having said so, I guess I can just run
recon-all on a MNI 152 brain, so that I can get the ROI maps.
Yung-Jui "Daniel" Yang, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale Child Study Center
New Haven, CT
(203) 737-5454
On 7/15/13 8:43 PM, "Bruce Fischl" 
<fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

       Hi Daniel
sorry, can you clarify? The DK atlas is estimated on every brain that
run recon-all on and stored in the label directory. Is that what you
On Mon, 15 Jul 2013,
Yang, Daniel wrote:

       Dear FreeSurfer Expert,
I would like to draw the specific ROI of the DK atlas (not
individual, but this ROI in general). I'm wondering how this ROI
can be
extracted/created as a mask so that I can draw it on the brain
using some
Could you please advise?
Thanks a lot,
Yung-Jui "Daniel" Yang, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yale Child Study Center
New Haven, CT
(203) 737-5454
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