Hi again,

I was wondering whether my previous message was received, since it had
rather large attachments. I look forward to receiving a reply with regards
to my questions!

Thank you,

On 12 July 2013 16:03, Tudor Popescu <tud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Bruce. So the massive chunks that appear as missing in freeview,
> e.g. at coronal slice 153, show correctly in tkmedit, although the surfaces
> don't exist there. If I mouse above that area, brainmask.mgz intensities
> (which seem to be always identical to T1.mgz ones) seem quite normal to me,
> i.e. they're not all 0 but vary in a range centred around ~100.
> As for the segmentation (aseg) - not quite sure where I need to look for
> that. I attach here the main volumes & surfaces of this subject. Could my
> "-wsthresh 35" recon not have replaced the existing one?
> Many thanks again!
> Tudor
> PS: why does freeview show the coordinates in the order [x z y] instead of
> [x y z]? I.e., as I move from anterior to posterior, I'd expect the middle
> coordinate to decrease, rather than the third one.
> PPS: what is the difference between brain.mgz and brainmask.mgz? Is it to
> do with conformity and intensity correction, just like the difference
> between 001.mgz and T1.mgz? I would have thought that brainmask.mgz would
> be a binary image (a mask consisting of 0s and 1s), rather than a regular
> (skull-stripped) structural.
> On 11 July 2013 21:40, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Tudor
>> can you cc the list so others can answer? What are the intensities in the
>> excluded right temporal wm in the brainmask.mgz? What is the aseg like
>> there? Looks like an intensity normalization failure, but I'm not sure why.
>> If you want to upload the subject I'll take a look
>> Bruce
>> On Thu, 11 Jul 2013, Tudor Popescu wrote:
>>  Hi Bruce,
>>> Sorry, wasn't sure whether you'd seen my previous message. So in the
>>> meantime, after the following command for subject C06 (whose artefactual
>>> skull strip I previously included as a screenshot) completed without
>>> error,
>>> recon-all -skullstrip -wsthresh 35 -clean-bm -subjid C06
>>> ..the volumes&surfaces still look bad (see screenshot and recon log
>>> attached).
>>> C06 is just one of several subjects for which this has happened. Is there
>>> anything else I can try? Thanks!
>>> Tudor
>>> On 9 July 2013 13:33, Tudor Popescu <tud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>       Thanks for clarifying this Doug!
>>>       Please let me know if anyone has suggestions about my other
>>>       questions below, re skull stripping.
>>>       Cheers!
>>>       T
>>>       On 8 July 2013 18:01, Douglas N Greve
>>>       <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>             001.mgz -> raw.mgz -> orig.mgz -> nu.mgz -> T1.mgz
>>>             If you only have one run, then 001 and raw are the
>>>             same
>>>             orig.mgz is the first conformed volume
>>>             doug
>>>             On 07/08/2013 12:38 PM, Tudor Popescu wrote:
>>>             > Thanks Bruce. I have looked at that part of the
>>>             wiki but I was
>>>             > wondering whether the screenshots at all suggest
>>>             that all artefacts
>>>             > are likely to be the result of the same problem,
>>>             and that e.g.
>>>             > re-running recon for all subjects with a
>>>             watershed>25 and with the
>>>             > -no-wsgcaatlas flag might be the thing to do in
>>>             this case, rather than
>>>             > manually editing slices in tkmedit.
>>>             >
>>>             > So after making these corrections to all affected
>>>             subjects, before
>>>             > proceeding to analyses, is a visual inspection in
>>>             freeview of the
>>>             > brain.mgz of all subjects enough? It seems like
>>>             some of these
>>>             > skull-stripping errors are quite subtle and can be
>>>             easily missed (as I
>>>             > have, in fact, when I checked the output after my
>>>             first recon-all).
>>>             >
>>>             >     the T1.mgz is intensity corrected and
>>>             conformed (the orig.mgz is
>>>             >     just conformed).
>>>             >
>>>             > So are both derived from 001.mgz? Otherwise, what
>>>             is the difference
>>>             > between 001.mgz and orig.mgz?
>>>             >
>>>             > Thanks!
>>>             > Tudor
>>>             >
>>>             >
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>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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