Hi Gari, use --targ for a target volume (not a subject) to use as the template for the output. The target subject is actually stored in the register.dat file, so you can just spec --fstarg (no arguments)

On 7/1/13 2:45 PM, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga wrote:
I want to obtain volume statistics from a ROI in fsaverage.
I have register.dat and a .nii file (the ROI), but I don't now how to get to the .label.

The last try has been:
mri_vol2vol --mov $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/ROI.nii
--o $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/label/ROI.mgh
--reg $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/mri/transforms/my_own_register_created_with_bbregister.dat --targ fsaverage

(but it is failing, error:
corRead(): can't open file $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/COR-.info)

My next steps were:
cor2label (in fsaverage)
mri_label2label (per every subject)
mri_segstats (per every subject)

Is there any simpler method to accomplish the same? Or at least that it works?
many thanks,

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