Hi Marcel, vlrmerge should handle multiple frames. what is your command
line? Can you send the log file?
On 6/14/13 10:32 AM, Marcel Falkiewicz wrote:
I would like to perform some Bayesian analyses implemented in SPM,
but with the data normalized with FreeSurfer. I would like to merge
together surface and subcortal normalized timeseries into a single 4d
timeseries in volumetric space, which could be used as an input to
spm. I tried using vlrmerge, but it produces only a single volume. One
method would be splitting the timeseries for each space into single
volumes, using vlrmerge on each triplet and then merging the results.
However, this would take enourmous ammout of time. Do you know any
quicker workarounds?
Thanks in advance,
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