Hi Subha, there are tools to do this in FS. You can use mri_vol2surf to 
map your time courses to the surface and save the output as a gifti (eg, 
mri_vol2surf --mov f.nii.gz --reg register.dof6.dat --hemi lh --o 
junk.gii --projfrac 0.5)

Or you can use the FS functional analysis stream (FSFAST). Tutorial is here:



On 06/04/2013 07:07 AM, Subhabrata Chaudhury wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have run recon-all on some subjects. I have functional BOLD data on 
> these subjects too. I am doing fmri preprocessing in spm. I have 
> created register.dat by registering the meanBOLD image to the 
> freesurfer reconstructed data. I am intending to do the following -
> I want to take each functional volume corresponding to each TR and 
> move each volume to freesurfer and make a BOLD surface file in 
> freesurfer (.mgh file).
> Then I want to run first level glm on the data like its done for 
> volume data in spm, fsl, afni etc.
> My question is are there tools in freesurfer to do this on surfaces ?
> If not, can the mgh file be converted to a gifti file and maybe it can 
> be used to make first level glms in afni, spm or fsl ?
> I will really appreciate your opinion about this.
> Thank you very much,
> Subha
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MGH-NMR Center
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