Hi Xi-Nian,

As Doug said, they don't do the same thing. The method in the paper uses a
different kind of interpolation to allows the preservation of the amount of
area, whereas mris_preproc achieves the same globally using a Jacobian
correction. The results aren't expected to be identical at the vertex level
or for small regions.

An implementation of the method we proposed in the paper is available for
Octave and/or Matlab at http://brainder.org/download/areal
It works fine, but beware that it's quite slow.

All the best,


2013/5/13 Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> Hi Xi-Nian, it does not do the same thing, but it does something similar.
> Anderson found that it gave similar results in a lot of cases, but he has
> found some differences. If he's still following the FS list, maybe he can
> comment.
> doug
> On 5/11/13 9:53 PM, Xinian Zuo wrote:
> Hello Doug,
>  I am doing some association studies between functional measures and
> surface area. In using  mris_preproc, there is an option --area. Does this
> do sth similar to that as Winkler et al. (2012)?
>  Winkler et al., 2012. Measureing and comparing brain cortical
> surfacearea and other areal quantities.
>  Thank you very much.
> --
> Xi-Nian Zuo, Ph.D of Applied Mathematics (http://lfcd.psych.ac.cn)
> Google Scholar Citations:
> http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=a3-gVGMAAAAJ&hl=en
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