
It is just mris_make_surfaces that has changed (and a bug was found and
fixed in mri_mask, but that bug only affected certain edits, and you would
get a blank volume if you encountered that bug) so you can do the
following to patch 5.2 to match 5.3:

get mris_make_surfaces (and mri_mask) for your platform from here:

then run:

recon-all -s <subjid> \
  -white \
  -autorecon3 \
  -nosphere \

which should take about an hour.  This regenerates the white and pial
surfaces, and creates new stats files.


> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks a lot for the info. Would it mean we have to completely reprocess
> the data processed with 5.2? Or at which point of the preprocessing
> pipeline we should step in to fix the problems of 5.2...? I just have
> finished to process about 200 data sets with 5.2...
> Best wishes,
> Luke
> Am 03.05.2013 um 02:58 schrieb "Bruce Fischl"
> <>:
>> Hi All,
>> We have recently uncovered problems with version 5.2. Based on these
>> problems, we are recommending that people stop using 5.2, mainly in
>> regards to usage of the surface data.  A new version, 5.3, will be
>> released within two weeks, and a beta version for each platform will be
>> available within a couple days.
>> There were two main problems that were uncovered. First, a change was
> made
>> that was only meant to affect the white surface placement in
>> high-resolution data sets, but unfortunately is being applied to all
>> data
>> sets. This causes the white surface to contract a small amount. This
> causes
>> the surface area to be smaller and cortex to be measured as thicker
>> relative to version 5.1. Visually, the surfaces do not necessarily look
>> less accurate, but we feel that the systematic differences with previous
>> versions are ill-advised without a clear reason for the change.
>> Second, a change made to the placement of the pial surface in order to
>> improve the positioning based on T2/FLAIR that caused it to extend too
> far
>> in some data sets during the T1-based pial surface deformation. This
>> unfortunately became the default behavior, which was not intended. None
> of
>> the dozens of test data sets we ran displayed this problem. The behavior
>> was reported by other users which led us to the bug.
>> In general, we rigorously test each version. However, our systematic
>> comparison of a new version with previous versions which would have
> caught
>> these problems was conducted prior to these changes. We are now
> tightening
>> and regimenting our testing procedures to ensure this doesnt happen
> again.
>> Note that there are no problems with the volumetric segmentation (aseg)
>> in version 5.2.
>> We realize that this will cause a substantial inconvenience for users.
>> We
>> have isolated and fixed the problems and have run two rounds of alpha
>> testing and have one more to go, after which we will release a beta
> version
>> in a couple of days to anyone that wants it.
>> sorry for the problems.
>> Bruce
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