
On Wed, April 17, 2013 10:27 am, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Sophie
> the surface has to be a spherical one. Internally it will use the geometry
> for some other surfaces like smoothwm, but the command line has to be a
> spherical surfaces. Usually the first time with an individual subject you
> can use sphere, but if you are using multiple ones it should be
> sphere.reg.
> I'll cc the list so that others who are interested can see the response.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed, 17 Apr
> 2013, Sophie Maingault wrote:
>> But it is not really from scratch ?
>> Because I run
>> mris_make_template ?h smoothwm sujet0 mytemp0.tif (one reference
>> subject)
>> mris_make_template ?h sphere sujet0 mytemp0.tif (one reference subject)
>> mris_register -curv ?h.sphere mytemp0.tif ?h.sphere.myreg0 (for all the
>> subjects that I want to use in order to create my template)
>> Then If i do : mris_make_template ?h sphere.myreg0 mytemp1.tif

Won't this be:
mris_register -curv ?h.sphere mytemp0.tif ?h.sphere.reg ?

>> mytemp1.tif will represent corresponding points across subjects ?
>> Sophie
>> Le 17/04/13 15:42, « Bruce Fischl » <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> a écrit
>> :
>>> Hi Sophie,
>>> if you want the template to represent corresponding points across your
>>> subjects you need to use sphere.reg
>>> cheers
>>> Bruce
>>> On Wed, 17 Apr 2013, Sophie Maingault
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Experts,
>>>> I'm creating a template from scratch. When I run mris_make_template is
>>>> it enough to
>>>> run mris_make_template ?h smoothwm <subjid> my.temp0.tif ? My question
>>>> is about which
>>>> sphere_name I have to put for argument ? I hope I was clear.
>>>> Best regards.
>>>> Sophie
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Shantanu Ghosh, Ph.D.
Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

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