Hi Lucille
what do you mean by converting a surface to the volume? What do you want
to do with it? What volume would you like to convert it to?
On Thu, 11 Apr
2013, Lucille Deroche wrote:
My name is Lucille and I'm really new with Freesurfer : My questions are very
basic, sorry.
I just start a project in segmentation of cerebrum.
For converting a surface in volume. I would like to use mri_surf2vol but for
that I need a
volume registration file . For creating that file, I would use autoreg-sess.
In documentation, it is said that : 'The volume registration file contains the
matrix that
maps XYZ in the reference anatomical to XYZ in the functional volume'
My question is : what here, represent the anatomical reference ? The
functionnal volume ?
Secondly, for autoreg-sess, the arguments are the subject name and the subject
directory. I
think the registration I need to create must be between my 2 volumes, so should
I use the
subject name and subject directory for my 2 subjects ?
Sorry,I am really messed...
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