BTW, we are using Freesurfer 5.1:

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Vy Dinh <> wrote:

> Dear Developers,
> I have a significant problem when rerunning the pial edits for the
> longitudinal data. Our dataset consists of subjects & a followup scan (for
> each sub). To be thorough, we edited brain.finalsurfs.manedit.mgz (as it
> was further in the processing stream) for the cross-sectional scans, the
> base scans, and the longitudinal scans. The longitudinal data were created
> only after the base has been edited and rerun. Likewise, the base was only
> created and rerun after the cross-sectionals were finalized.
> We work with a clinical population so minor edits do show up on the
> longitudinal scans. However, after editing and recreating the surfaces from
> these longitudinal scans, the pial surfaces has extended to include dura &
> other voxels that were not previously included within the pial surface
> (during the initial creation of the longitudinal data). We tried both
> commands (listed below) and get this same problem:
> recon-all -autorecon2-pial -autorecon3 -long tpN tp_base (
> or recon-all -autorecon3-pial -long tpN tp_base  (
> *Could you please help us figure out why the pial surface extends to
> include nonbrain regions when recreating the surfaces? *
> *
> *
> *What solutions would you suggest in resolving this problem?*
> *
> *
> Thank you,
> Vy Dinh
> Research Associate
> Department of Neurological Sciences
> Rush University Medical Center
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