Hi list,
I'm running perirhinal analysis with this error:
mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel rh.perirhinal.label 
--trgsubject Con01 --trglabel Con01/label/rh.perirhinal.label --hemi rh 
--regmethod surface
srclabel = rh.perirhinal.labelsrcsubject = fsaveragetrgsubject = Con01trglabel 
= Con01/label/rh.perirhinal.labelregmethod = surface
srchemi = rhtrghemi = rhtrgsurface = whitesrcsurfreg = sphere.regtrgsurfreg = 
sphere.regusehash = 1Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0Use ProjFrac = 0, 0DoPaint 0
SUBJECTS_DIR    /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/subject_provaFREESURFER_HOME 
/Applications/freesurferLoading source label.No such file or 
directorymri_label2label: could not open label file rh.perirhinal.labelNo such 
file or directoryERROR reading rh.perirhinal.label
My $SUBJECTS_DIR=/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/subject_prova and 
rh.perirhinal.label exist and it is located in 


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