Hi Bruce,

Thank you for the quick response!

In the meanwhile, does that also apply to cortical thickness and volume?

Thank you!


Quoting Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

> Hi Andreia
> the issue is that the BA labels contain every point that has any non-zero
> probability (no matter how small!) of being in that label. So the total
> label area is almost certainly always bigger than the actual BA. Anastasia
> has some scripts for automatically computing the correct threshold, and I
> believe she and Nick integrated them into 5.2 so that the stats are
> computed both thresholded and unthresholded, hopefully they can comment.
> Bruce
> On Fri, 22 Mar 2013, _andre...@sapo.pt
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm using FS 5.0 and some time ago I was told by Bruce that I had to
>> threshold the BA in order to have an approximate area when overlaying
>> in the inflated surface. To get surface area values I also need to use
>> the label_area and put a threshold
>> having the possibility to choose the surface that I want, either white
>> or pial.
>> But I can also get the BA stats in a table for all subjects and areas
>> using either mris_anatomical_stats (on each label) or usinga script by
>> Jamaan to get the table (since I already have the ?.BA.stats files),
>> right?
>> My question is, which is the better/correct way to get the thickness
>> and surface area values of the BA to export for statistical analysis
>> since there are the thresolds issue.
>> I want to study mainly cortical thickness and surface area but also
>> look also at the volume (which is surface-based, thus
>> thickness*surface are will not be = volume since they are an average
>> from each label, right?).
>> I' not sure of which approach to follow now... Does it depend on the
>> measure I'll be using?
>> Thank you!
>> Andreia
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