Hi Neha
the vertices are indices into the surface file. You can load it in with
read_surf, and find the corresponding vertex in the surface (e.g.
?h.white). These are in "surface RAS" or "tkreg RAS" coords, which you will
then need to convert to volume coords. I believe Doug has documented this
extensively on the wiki. Search for "coordinate systems" and see what you
can find
On Fri, 15 Mar
2013, Neha sharma wrote:
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am trying to extract the labels for temporal lobe. This is how i do it,
i get the vertices
from [vertices,label,colortable]=read_annotation('?h.aparc.annot');
The vertices however are indices and if i use matlab's ind2sub to find
corresponding voxel locations in aparc+aseg (256^3 space) I get something
insensible. Am I doing something wrong? I am very new to freesurfer.
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