Hi again,

Any suggestion? I haven't any idea about this error. Why does it happen?

Thank you.

alexandra.cristo...@urjc.es escribió:

> Hi Bruce,
> This is the information about my version:
>   freesurfer-Darwin-leopard-i686-stable-pub-v5.1.0
> As you can see, it runs in a iMac version 10.6.8
> Thanks!
> "Bruce Fischl" <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> escribió:
>> what version are you running? This should never happen on the first
>> subject, so it's pretty puzzling.
>> Bruce
>> On Fri, 8 Mar 2013,
>> alexandra.cristo...@urjc.es wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I'm trying to create my own atlas with the rebuild_gca_atlas script. I
>>> obtain the "Input TR, TE, FlipAngle for each subjects must match"
>>> error in the # TRAIN FROM SEGMENTED_SUBJECTS USING M3D_ONE step (using
>>> mri_ca_train for all subjects).
>>> TR, TE and FlipAngle are the same for all patients.
>>> What can be the problem?
>>> The log is:
>>> mri_ca_train -prior_spacing 2 -node_spacing 4 -mask brain.mgz
>>> -parc_dir seg_edited.mgz -xform talairach_one.m3z -T1 norm.mgz -check
>>> 4163 4168
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/average/RB_all_2013-03-07.gca
>>>    reading input 0: /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/4163/mri/norm.mgz
>>> spacing priors every 2.0 mm
>>> spacing nodes every 4.0 mm
>>> using MR volume brain.mgz to mask input volume...
>>> reading segmentation from subject's mri/seg_edited.mgz directory
>>> reading xform from talairach_one.m3z
>>> reading T1 data from subject's mri/norm.mgz directory
>>> will conduct sanity-check of labels...
>>> training on 2 subject and writing results to
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/average/RB_all_2013-03-07.gca
>>> gcaAllocMax: node dims 64 64 64
>>> gcaAllocMax: prior dims 128 128 128
>>> gcaAllocMax: max_labels 4
>>> ***************************************************************************
>>> processing subject 4163, 1 of 2...
>>> reading volume /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/4163/mri/brain.mgz
>>> for masking...
>>> gunzip -c
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/4163/mri/transforms/talairach_one.m3z
>>> checking labels in subject 4163...
>>> max_xtal_l_hippo    = -12.6
>>> max_xtal_l_caudate  = -5.8
>>> max_xtal_l_amygdala = -17.1
>>> max_xtal_l_putamen  = -12.7
>>> max_xtal_l_pallidum = -11.4
>>> min_xtal_r_hippo    = 15.2
>>> min_xtal_r_caudate  =  6.4
>>> min_xtal_r_amygdala = 16.4
>>> min_xtal_r_putamen  = 13.9
>>> min_xtal_r_pallidum = 13.1
>>> Input TR, TE, FlipAngle for each subjects must match.
>>> 23 prior holes filled
>>> ***************************************************************************
>>> processing subject 4168, 2 of 2...
>>> nn
>>> Thank you in advance.
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