The process is still running but nothing new written in the last 24 hrs.

Excerpts from recon-all.log


77 defects to be corrected
0 vertices coincident
reading input surface /home/#########/subjects/./surf/lh.qsphere.nofix...
reading brain volume from brain...
reading wm segmentation from wm...


CORRECTING DEFECT 20 (vertices=71, convex hull=55)
After retessellation of defect 20, euler #=-3 (58272,166451,108176) :
difference with theory (-54) = -51

CORRECTING DEFECT 21 (vertices=17, convex hull=34)
After retessellation of defect 21, euler #=-2 (58273,166465,108190) :
difference with theory (-53) = -51

CORRECTING DEFECT 22 (vertices=39536, convex hull=7215)


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Blessy M <> wrote:

> 1. It is not contrast enhanced.
> 2. I am rerunning recon-all after giving it a manually skull stripped
> image. Hopefully this will work.
> So basically did this:
> recon-all -subjid . -autorecon1 -noskullstrip -notal-check
> cp T1.mgz
> ln -s brainmask.mgz
> recon-all -subjid . -autorecon2 -autorecon3
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:10 PM, Bruce Fischl 
> <>wrote:
>> thanks. I actually meant a tksurfer image, but this might do. Two
>> questions:
>> 1. Is this a contrast-enhanced acquisition? That will make things more
>> difficult, although we have processed them in the past.
>> 2. I think the skull stripping removed some brain tissue, which may be
>> the source of your large defects. Can you please check it and get back to
>> us? This also might be due to the contrast enhancement.
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Blessy M wrote:
>>  I should have send it with an extension. But it is tiff, just as you
>>> asked.
>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Bruce Fischl <
>>>> wrote:
>>>       Hi Blessy
>>>       what format is this? If you don't send it with an extension there
>>> is no way to know....
>>>       Bruce
>>>       On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Blessy M wrote:
>>>             Forgot the image. please find attached.
>>>             On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Blessy M <>
>>> wrote:
>>>                   I ran this command, and got the attached image
>>>                   tkmedit ./ brainmask.mgz lh.inflated.nofix
>>>                   For some reason tksurfer is not looking good/complete
>>>                   tksurfer ./ lh inflated
>>>                   On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Bruce Fischl <
>>>> wrote:
>>>                         you can save a tif of it and post it to the list
>>>                         On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Blessy M wrote:
>>>                               Yes it is still at defect 32.
>>>                               The tail of the recon-all.log is as
>>> follows:
>>>                               CORRECTING DEFECT 30 (vertices=18, convex
>>> hull=22)
>>>                               After retessellation of defect 30, euler
>>> #=-7 (59491,172395,112897) : difference with
>>>             theory
>>>                               (-28) = -21
>>>                               CORRECTING DEFECT 31 (vertices=244, convex
>>> hull=142)
>>>                               After retessellation of defect 31, euler
>>> #=-6 (59502,172495,112987) : difference with
>>>             theory
>>>                               (-27) = -21
>>>                               CORRECTING DEFECT 32 (vertices=44865,
>>> convex hull=8969)
>>>                               Should I attach the lh.inflated.nofix in a
>>> separate email to you, Bruce?
>>>                               On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Bruce
>>> Fischl <> wrote:
>>>                                     is it still on defect 32? What does
>>> the tail of the recon-all.log say? And can
>>>             you
>>>                               send us an image of the
>>>                                     lh.inflated.nofix (if it is the lh
>>> that is running)?
>>>                                     On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Blessy M wrote:
>>>                                           I verified lh.orig.nofix, and
>>> it looks fine. But, there has been no new
>>>             files
>>>                               created since Saturday
>>>                                           (2/23/2013).
>>>                                           I am considering stopping the
>>> process.
>>>                                           I was thinking, I had created
>>> a skull stripped image, and was giving that
>>>             as
>>>                               input to recon-all in the
>>>                                           command below:
>>>                                           recon-all -subjid .
>>> -noskullstrip -autorecon1 -notal-check -autorecon2
>>>                                                       -autorecon3
>>>                                           Should -noskullstrip flag be
>>> after autorecon1?
>>>                                           On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 3:35
>>> PM, Bruce Fischl <>
>>>                               wrote:
>>>                                                 try looking at the
>>> lh.inflated.nofix or lh.orig.nofix (or rh,
>>>             whichever
>>>                               one is running) and see if
>>>                                           something is
>>>                                                 dramatically wrong (like
>>> skull attached to brain, or hemis
>>>             connected,
>>>                               etc....)
>>>                                                 On Mon, 25 Feb 2013,
>>> Blessy M wrote:
>>>                                                       Recon is still
>>> running. I started the process on 2/21/2013.
>>>             Its been
>>>                               4 days.
>>>                                                       I ran this
>>> command, and viewed the aseg file, and that looks
>>>                               reasonable
>>>                                                       tkmedit ./
>>> brainmask.mgz -aux T1.mgz -surfs -aseg
>>>                                                       Currently it is at
>>> this stage:
>>>                                                       Correction of the
>>> Topology
>>>                                                       Finding true
>>> center and radius of Spherical Surface...done
>>>                                                       Surface centered
>>> at (0,0,0) with radius 100.0 in 13 iterations
>>>                                                       marking ambiguous
>>> vertices...
>>>                                                       124766 ambiguous
>>> faces found in tessellation
>>>                                                       segmenting
>>> defects...
>>>                                                       ......
>>>                                                       61 defects to be
>>> corrected
>>>                                                       0 vertices
>>> coincident
>>>                                                       ......
>>>                                                       ......
>>>                                                       CORRECTING DEFECT
>>> 31 (vertices=244, convex hull=142)
>>>                                                       After
>>> retessellation of defect 31, euler #=-6
>>>             (59502,172495,112987)
>>>                               : difference with theory
>>>                                           (-27) = -21
>>>                                                       CORRECTING DEFECT
>>> 32 (vertices=44865, convex hull=8969)
>>>                                                       On Fri, Feb 22,
>>> 2013 at 5:33 PM, Bruce Fischl
>>>                               <> wrote:
>>>                                                             I don't
>>> think either one of these are errors, just
>>>             warnings
>>>                               that occur pretty
>>>                                           frequently and I
>>>                                                       don't think should
>>>                                                             impact the
>>> results. Does the recon finish? Do the
>>>             results look
>>>                               ok?
>>>                                                             On Fri, 22
>>> Feb 2013, Blessy M wrote:
>>>                                                                   I am
>>> getting the bottom two sets of errors while
>>>             doing a
>>>                               simple recon-all.
>>>                                                                   More
>>> specifically while running this command:
>>> recon-all -subjid . -noskullstrip -autorecon1
>>>                               -notal-check -autorecon2
>>> -autorecon3
>>>                                                                   Has
>>> someone encountered this kind of errors? Is
>>>             there a
>>>                               fix?
>>>                                                                   1)
>>> Computing MAP estimate using 2772 samples...
>>> **********************************************
>>>                                                                   IFLAG=
>>>             OF
>>>                               ROUTINE MCSRCH ERROR
>>>                                                                   RETURN
>>>             FUNCTION
>>>                               OR GRADIENT ARE
>>>             QuasiNewtonEMA:
>>>                               011: -log(p) =
>>> 7296.5  tol 0.000010
>>>                                                                   ...
>>>                                                                   ...
>>>                                                                   2)
>>>  unfolding failed - restoring original position
>>>                               --------------------
>>>                                                                   0146:
>>> dt=13.779160, rms=0.814 (0.000%), neg=0,
>>>                               invalid=766
>>> blurring input image with Gaussian with
>>>             sigma=0.500...
>>>                                                                   0000:
>>> dt=0.000, rms=0.814, neg=0, invalid=766
>>> gcamFindOptimalTimeStep: Complete in 101542.133 ms
>>>                                                                   iter
>>> 0, gcam->neg = 801
>>> ......................
>>> unfolding failed - restoring original position
>>>                               --------------------
>>>                                                                   0158:
>>> dt=13.828393, rms=0.814 (-0.069%), neg=0,
>>>                               invalid=766
>>> blurring input image with Gaussian with
>>>             sigma=0.500...
>>>                                                                   0000:
>>> dt=0.000, rms=0.814, neg=0, invalid=766
>>> gcamFindOptimalTimeStep: Complete in 100610.148 ms
>>>                                                       The information in
>>> this e-mail is intended only for the person
>>>             to
>>>                               whom it is
>>>                                                       addressed. If you
>>> believe this e-mail was sent to you in error
>>>             and
>>>                               the e-mail
>>>                                                       contains patient
>>> information, please contact the Partners
>>>             Compliance
>>>                               HelpLine at
>>>  If the e-mail was
>>>             sent to
>>>                               you in error
>>>                                                       but does not
>>> contain patient information, please contact the
>>>             sender
>>>                               and properly
>>>                                                       dispose of the
>>> e-mail.
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