Greetings lords of freesurfer!

I am having a problem getting a combined cvs warp+bbregister to map an FA volume
onto a template.

mri_vol2vol --targ 816 --m3z combined_to816_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z 
--noDefM3zPath --reg 
/study5/aa-scratch/TEENEMO/twins_tracula/recons/821/dmri/dtifit_FA.nii.gz --o 
test --no-save-reg

spits out 
Using the m3z file as it is; no assumed location.
movvol /study5/aa-scratch/TEENEMO/twins_tracula/recons/821/dmri/dtifit_FA.nii.gz
targvol 816
outvol test
invert 0
tal 0
talres 2
regheader 0
noresample 0
interp trilinear (1)
precision float (3)
Gdiag_no -1
InvertMorph 0
Synth 0
SynthSeed 1362252270
corRead(): can't open file 

i know i have not seen a file in the top level
subject directory in the modern age of the universe.

i know i saw this before but my notes from the last time
i figured this out got lost in a file system cleanup.

can one of you tell me where i went astray ?

thank you

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