Hi Nick,

Could you clarify this? So if we re-run a subject in 5.1 (say after doing some 
edits), we would then need to run it again a third time in order to maintain 
consistency? Thanks.


On Jan 22, 2013, at 2:17 PM, Nick Schmansky <ni...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

> also there is an issue in v5.1 where the second run of recon-all on a
> given platform will produce different results from the first (but
> subsequent runs should produce identical results).  this issue has been
> fixed in the upcoming v5.2 release.
> nick
> On Tue, 2013-01-22 at 10:18 -0500, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> Hi Chikku, while we try to resolve these differences, you are not 
>> guaranteed to get identical results when you use different platforms. 
>> This is an issue with using different computes and applies to all 
>> software, not just FS.It is caused by the use of different math 
>> libraries and different binary operations. The difference you show is 
>> only 0.3% which should not be enough to cause false results.
>> doug
>> On 01/22/2013 08:13 AM, Varghese Chikku wrote:
>>> Dear FS team,
>>> I processed two set of MRI  data for a  single  patient,Thats BL scan 
>>> and TP1.I ran both scans on a Mcbook Pro and  a PC with Virtual 
>>> machine installed.
>>> Though I was expecting the  same segstats,the  results vary from 
>>> Macpro to VM.For eg , for BL in Mac  SubCortGrayVol is 178038 but  for 
>>> the  same  images in VM  the  results are 177432.Does it happened to 
>>> any one before....Whats the  reson its  happening and how  can  I  
>>> remedy,validate the  results.
>>> Much appreciate  your  advice,...
>>> In Thanks
>>> Chikku.
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