
Unfortunately I dont think we can help with this problem, as we
currently do not have the resources to support the Windows VM instance.
However, an alternative that has worked for others is to do the
following: install the FSL Windows VM, described here:

once that is up-and-running, then within that linux instance, just
download and install our linux centos 4 freesurfer build.  this also
means you can update to v5.2 when that is released in a couple weeks.


On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 08:34 +0000, Carissa Nadia Kuswanto (IMH) wrote:
> Hi there,
> My operating system is Windows XP SP3 and it has been loaded with
> VirtualBox 4.2.6 for Windows hosts and we would like to run
> freesurfer-Virtualbox-linux-x86-stable-pub-v5.1.0-full.vdi. But when
> we attempt to launch FreeSurfer, the terminal seems to hang with the
> following message: 
> GRUB loading stage 1.5 
> GRUB loading, please wait...
> Would you kindly help us on how to overcome this problem? I thank you
> in advance for your kind attention.
> Best regards,
> Carissa
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