Hi Julia, what is your command line when you give it the hemisphere? 
Also, when you run it, put "-debug" as the first argument and send me 
the terminal output.

On 12/05/2012 10:55 AM, Julia Foecker wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> I tried now several things to use the tksurfer command but it does not seem to
> work.
> -retinotopy polar
> when I run the command and just replace tksurfer, it is asking for the
> hemisphere
> ERROR: no hemisphere specified
> When I am specifying the hemisphere it does not find the command...
> I think the problem according to the colortables has been already posted in 
> the
> forum, but I cannot see any reply to that. It has been mentioned under a
> different topic though (see link below).
> Thanks a lot for any advices,
> Julia
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail/freesurfer/2008-April/007556.html
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2012 12:00:50 -0500 Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> wrote
>> Hi Julia, I meant tksurfer-sess (not surf-sess)
>> doug
>> On 12/04/2012 05:39 AM, Julia Foecker wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> thanks for your reply.
>>> I got the following messages when running the
>>> -retinotopy polar
>>> and there was also this kind of message:
>>>    GL window already open: can't open second
>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: save rgb's
>>> saveviews.tcl: nosave setenv'd => nothing will be saved
>>> invalid command name "dontsave_rgb_named"% surfer: dmin=0.2470, vno=45600,
>>> I am still not sure what I can do so that this issue will not occur.
>>> Do you have another advice?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Julia
>>> WARNING: No colortable found!
>>> invalid command name "urfer/subjects]"
>>> % invalid command name "WARNING:"
>>> % invalid command name "WARNING:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name
> "mrisReadTriangleFile(/Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects/
>>> VGP01/surf/lh.sphere.reg):" % % invalid command name "mrisReadTriangleFile"
>>> % % % % invalid command name "WARNING:"
>>> % % e buffered window
>>> surfer: tkoInitWindow(VGP01)
>>> surfer: using interface
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
>>> Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
>>> reading white matter vertex locations...
>>> %
>>> invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "surfer:"
>>> % invalid command name "Reading"
>>> % invalid command name "Reading"
>>> % invalid command name "Reading"
>>> % invalid command name "Reading"
>>> % invalid command name "Successfully"
>>> % invalid command name "reading"
>>> % invalid command name "%"
>>> %
>>> % exit
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects] foecker% tksurfer
>>> usage: tksurfer subject hemisphere surface [options]
>>> subject    : a subject directory in the SUBJECTS_DIR path
>>> hemipshere : rh or lh
>>> surface    : a surface file name relative to the subject's surf directory
>>> Options
>>> -title title : set window title to title. Def is subject name.
>>> -reassign      : resample labels onto surface (set vnos=-1)
>>> -sdir <path>   : sets the subjects directory path
>>> -orig <suffix> : sets the orig suffix string
>>> -sphere <suffix>:sets the sphere.reg suffix string
>>> -patch <filename> : load a patch
>>> -tcl <filename> : run a script
>>> -annotation <filename> : load an annotation
>>> -aparc : set annotation to aparc.annot and use outline mode
>>> -colortable <filename> : load a color table file
>>> -labels-under : display labels under any overlay
>>> -label-outline : draw labels as outlines
>>> -curv : automatically load ?h.curv
>>> -gray : automatically load ?h.curv and make it gray
>>> -overlay          <filename> : load an overlay volume
>>> -overlay-reg      <filename> : use a file for the overlay registration
>>> -overlay-reg-find            : look in the data directory for a
>>> register.dat                               : file
>>> -overlay-reg-identity        : calculate an identity transform for
>>> registration -mni152reg : for use with average subject when overlay is
>>> mni152 -zm                          : remove mean from overlays
>>> -fslope <value>              : set the overlay threshold slope value
>>> -fmid <value>                : set the overlay threshold midpoint value
>>> -fthresh <value>             : set the overlay threshold minimum value
>>> -foffset <value>             : set the overlay threshold offset value
>>> -colscalebarflag <1|0>       : display color scale bar
>>> -colscaletext <1|0>          : display text in color scale bar
>>> -truncphaseflag <1|0>        : truncate the overlay display
>>> -revphaseflag <1|0>          : reverse the overlay display
>>> -invphaseflag <1|0>          : invert the overlay display
>>> -timecourse          <filename>        : load an timecourse volume
>>> -timecourse-reg      <filename>        : use a file for the timecourse
>>>                                          : registration
>>> -timecourse-reg-find                   : look in the data directory for a
>>>                                          : register.dat file
>>> -timecourse-reg-identity               : calculate an identity transform
>>> for                                         : regisrtation
>>> -timecourse-offset          <filename> : load an timecourse offset volume
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-file <filename> : use a file for the timecourse
>>> offset                                         : registration
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-find            : look in the data directory for a
>>>                                          : register.dat file
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-identity        : calculate an identity transform
>>> for                                         : registration
>>> -delink : do not move tool window with image window
>>> -scalebarflag <1|0> : display the scale bar
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects] foecker% tksurfer VGP01 lh
>>> usage: tksurfer subject hemisphere surface [options]
>>> subject    : a subject directory in the SUBJECTS_DIR path
>>> hemipshere : rh or lh
>>> surface    : a surface file name relative to the subject's surf directory
>>> Options
>>> -title title : set window title to title. Def is subject name.
>>> -reassign      : resample labels onto surface (set vnos=-1)
>>> -sdir <path>   : sets the subjects directory path
>>> -orig <suffix> : sets the orig suffix string
>>> -sphere <suffix>:sets the sphere.reg suffix string
>>> -patch <filename> : load a patch
>>> -tcl <filename> : run a script
>>> -annotation <filename> : load an annotation
>>> -aparc : set annotation to aparc.annot and use outline mode
>>> -colortable <filename> : load a color table file
>>> -labels-under : display labels under any overlay
>>> -label-outline : draw labels as outlines
>>> -curv : automatically load ?h.curv
>>> -gray : automatically load ?h.curv and make it gray
>>> -overlay          <filename> : load an overlay volume
>>> -overlay-reg      <filename> : use a file for the overlay registration
>>> -overlay-reg-find            : look in the data directory for a
>>> register.dat                               : file
>>> -overlay-reg-identity        : calculate an identity transform for
>>> registration -mni152reg : for use with average subject when overlay is
>>> mni152 -zm                          : remove mean from overlays
>>> -fslope <value>              : set the overlay threshold slope value
>>> -fmid <value>                : set the overlay threshold midpoint value
>>> -fthresh <value>             : set the overlay threshold minimum value
>>> -foffset <value>             : set the overlay threshold offset value
>>> -colscalebarflag <1|0>       : display color scale bar
>>> -colscaletext <1|0>          : display text in color scale bar
>>> -truncphaseflag <1|0>        : truncate the overlay display
>>> -revphaseflag <1|0>          : reverse the overlay display
>>> -invphaseflag <1|0>          : invert the overlay display
>>> -timecourse          <filename>        : load an timecourse volume
>>> -timecourse-reg      <filename>        : use a file for the timecourse
>>>                                          : registration
>>> -timecourse-reg-find                   : look in the data directory for a
>>>                                          : register.dat file
>>> -timecourse-reg-identity               : calculate an identity transform
>>> for                                         : regisrtation
>>> -timecourse-offset          <filename> : load an timecourse offset volume
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-file <filename> : use a file for the timecourse
>>> offset                                         : registration
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-find            : look in the data directory for a
>>>                                          : register.dat file
>>> -timecourse-offset-reg-identity        : calculate an identity transform
>>> for                                         : registration
>>> -delink : do not move tool window with image window
>>> -scalebarflag <1|0> : display the scale bar
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects] foecker% cd
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker% source
>>> example_PhaseEncodedRetinotopy.csh
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker% source
>>> example_PhaseEncodedRetinotopy.csh
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker% source
>>> example_PhaseEncodedRetinotopy.csh
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker%
>>> mkanalysis-sess.new -analysis $ANALYSIS_PHASE -TR 3 -paradigm
>>> $PARADIGM_PHASE -designtype retinotopy -fsd bold -runlistfile
>>> $RUNLIST_PHASE -tpef $TIMEEXCLUDEFILE -funcstem fmcsm5 -ncycles 10
>>> -motioncor -inorm -polyfit 2 -force TIMEEXCLUDEFILE: Undefined variable.
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker% source
>>> example_PhaseEncodedRetinotopy.csh
>>>                  [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker%
>>> source example_PhaseEncodedRetinotopy.csh
>>> [4157-JF-MACPRO1:Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709] foecker% surf-sess -s
>>> polar grep:
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/session.i
>>> nfo: No such file or directory
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> surf-sess logfile is
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/log/surf-
>>> sess.AnalysisPhase.polar.log
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------------------ Session:
>>> ssRet_200709 ---- ------ lh hemisphere ------
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/bold/Anal
>>> ysisPhase ----------------------------------------------------------
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/bold/Anal
>>> ysisPhase tksurfer -ssRet lh inflated -tcl
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/polar-views.tcl
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> WARNING: No colortable found!
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
>>> Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
>>> reading white matter vertex locations...
>>> tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth complex Fourier comp
>>> readenv.tcl: ==> read global setenv vars
>>> readenv: set invphaseflag 0
>>> readenv: set fm fieldsign/fieldsignmask-lh
>>> readenv: set angle_offset 0
>>> readenv: set dir
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/bold/Anal
>>> ysisPhase readenv: set truncphaseflag 0
>>> readenv: set offset 0.4
>>> readenv: set fmid 0.8
>>> readenv: set fs fieldsign/fieldsign-lh
>>> readenv: set lat
>>> readenv: set fthresh 0.4
>>> readenv: set complexname -imag
>>> readenv: set realname -real
>>> readenv: set eccendir eccen
>>> readenv: set floatstem map
>>> readenv: set hemi lh
>>> readenv: set rgbname map
>>> readenv: set nosave 0
>>> readenv: set polardir polar
>>> readenv: set noexit
>>> readenv: set curv lh.curv
>>> readenv: set fslope 1.3
>>> readenv: set colscale 0
>>> readenv: set smoothsteps 2
>>> readenv: set revpolarflag 0
>>> readenv.tcl: ==> read rgbname-specific setenv vars
>>> %
>>> tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read curvature
>>> surfer: current subjects dir:
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects
>>> surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
>>> surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
>>> surfer:
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/ssRet_200709/bold/Anal
>>> ysisPhase surfer: Reading header info from
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/subjects/ssRet/mri/T1.mgz
>>> surfer: vertices=164063, faces=328122
>>> surfer: single buffered window
>>> surfer: tkoInitWindow(ssRet)
>>> surfer: using interface
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
>>> tksurfer: run tcl script:
>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/polar-views.tcl
>>> surfer: curvature read: min=-2.397066 max=4.657806
>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth complex Fourier comp
>>> surfer: smooth_val(2)
>>> .
>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth real Fourier comp
>>> surfer: smooth_val(2)
>>> .
>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: scale, position brain
>>> surfer: ### GL window already open: can't open second
>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: save rgb's
>>> saveviews.tcl: nosave setenv'd => nothing will be saved
>>> invalid command name "dontsave_rgb_named"% surfer: dmin=0.2470, vno=45600,
>>> x=-9.9884, y=-67.7758, z=36.6844
>>> % surfer: curv=0.129080, fs=0.000000
>>> % surfer: val=0.085000, val2=0.865853
>>> % surfer: amp=0.870015, angle=84.393272 deg (0.234426)
>>> % surfer: vertex 45600 marked (curv=0.129080, stat=0.000000)
>>> x = (-10.0, -67.8, 36.7), n = (-0.7, -0.2, 0.6).
>>> surfer: dmin=0.2022, vno=38559, x=-26.1600, y=-82.6320, z=-31.2516
>>> % surfer: curv=0.134054, fs=0.000000
>>> % surfer: val=1.473643, val2=1.667543
>>> % surfer: amp=2.225382, angle=48.532295 deg (0.134812)
>>> % surfer: vertex 38559 marked (curv=0.134054, stat=0.000000)
>>> x = (-26.2, -82.6, -31.3), n = (-0.9, -0.5, 0.2).
>>> surfer: dmin=0.0986, vno=10616, x=-2.0371, y=-118.3332, z=-47.3615
>>> % surfer: curv=0.209849, fs=0.000000
>>> % surfer: val=-0.040989, val2=2.940233
>>> % surfer: amp=2.940519, angle=90.798691 deg (0.252219)
>>> %
>>> On Mon, 03 Dec 2012 15:38:54 -0500 Douglas Greve
>>> <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote
>>>> Hi Julia, try using tksurfer-sess instead
>>>> doug
>>>> On 12/3/12 12:08 PM, Julia Foecker wrote:
>>>>> Dear Doug,
>>>>> I tried to run Freesurfer on polar angle mapping data (I do not have
>>>>> anyeccentricity data). Therefore, I created fake runs (as it has been
>>>>> suggested in the forum). When I try to run the following command to load
>>>>> the maps on the surface,
>>>>> -retinotopy polar
>>>>> I got the following error message: There seems to be an issue with the
>>>>> colortables...I have seen a similar issue in the forum, but could not
>>>>> find the answer to that question. Would you have any suggestions what I
>>>>> can do in this case? Moreover, when the command was running I have also
>>>>> seen the lines: >
> MRISwriteValues(/Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/VGP01_
>>>>> 180112/bold/AnalysisPhase//eccen/map-imag-rh.w): val at vertex 30887 is
>>>>> not finite >
>>>>> Not sure what this means. Would you have any advices?
>>>>> Many thanks in advance!
>>>>> Julia
>>>>> WARNING: No colortable found!
>>>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
>>>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
>>>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
>>>>> Reading /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
>>>>> Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
>>>>> reading white matter vertex locations...
>>>>> tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth complex Fourier comp
>>>>> readenv.tcl: ==> read global setenv vars
>>>>> readenv: set invphaseflag 0
>>>>> readenv: set fm fieldsign/fieldsignmask-rh
>>>>> readenv: set angle_offset 0
>>>>> readenv: set dir
> /Users/foecker/Documents/Data/FMRI/Freesurfer/sessions/VGP01_180112/bold/Anal
>>>>> ysisPhase readenv: set truncphaseflag 0
>>>>> readenv: set offset 0.4
>>>>> readenv: set fmid 0.8
>>>>> readenv: set fs fieldsign/fieldsign-rh
>>>>> readenv: set lat
>>>>> readenv: set fthresh 0.4
>>>>> readenv: set complexname -imag
>>>>> readenv: set realname -real
>>>>> readenv: set eccendir eccen
>>>>> readenv: set floatstem map
>>>>> readenv: set hemi rh
>>>>> readenv: set rgbname map
>>>>> readenv: set nosave 0
>>>>> readenv: set polardir polar
>>>>> readenv: set noexit
>>>>> readenv: set curv rh.curv
>>>>> readenv: set fslope 1.3
>>>>> readenv: set colscale 0
>>>>> readenv: set smoothsteps 2
>>>>> readenv: set revpolarflag 0
>>>>> readenv.tcl: ==> read rgbname-specific setenv vars
>>>>> %
>>>>> tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read curvature
>>>>> surfer: single buffered window
>>>>> surfer: tkoInitWindow(VGP01)
>>>>> surfer: using interface
>>>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
>>>>> tksurfer: run tcl script:
>>>>> /Users/foecker/Documents/freesurfer4/lib/tcl/polar-views.tcl
>>>>> surfer: curvature read: min=-2.640939 max=1.554826
>>>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth complex Fourier comp
>>>>> surfer: smooth_val(2)
>>>>> .
>>>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: read and smooth real Fourier comp
>>>>> surfer: smooth_val(2)
>>>>> .
>>>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: scale, position brain
>>>>> surfer: ### GL window already open: can't open second
>>>>> % tksurfer: polar-views.tcl: save rgb's
>>>>> saveviews.tcl: nosave setenv'd => nothing will be saved
>>>>> invalid command name "dontsave_rgb_named"%
>>>> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it
>>>> is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
>>>> e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Partners
>>>> Compliance HelpLine at http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the
>>>> e-mail was sent to you in error but does not contain patient information,
>>>> please contact the sender and properly dispose of the e-mail.
>> -- 
>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
>> FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
>> Outgoing: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
FileDrop: www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
Outgoing: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/

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