You'll have to run mri_vol2surf on each one separately to bring it into 
the fsaverage space, then mri_concat to stack all of the maps into one 
file. At that point you can compute a mean (also with mri_concat). 
Generally, one does not do group analysis on sig maps though.

On 11/27/2012 05:08 PM, Alexandra Tanner wrote:
> Hi Doug and Freesurfers,
> I recently used mergecontrasts-sess to merge two contrasts of an analysis
> in 50 different subjects. The command ran on each subject individually and
> created a sig.nii and sig.ovpl file within a merged contrast folder for
> each subject. I'd now like to look at an average map of the merged
> contrasts across all 50 subjects.
> Does anyone know how to go about getting this average map for my group of
> 50 subjects?
> Command I ran to get the sig.nii/sig.ovpl file for each subject:
> mergecontrasts-sess -mergedcontrast Merge_7vFix_1vFix -conjunction andor
> -analysis SIRP_Stable5 -contrast Cond7vFix 3 pos 0 -contrast Cond1vFix 3
> pos 0 -map sig -sf
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Subject_Files/50_MTH_Subjects -df
> /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Alex

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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