The difference is that the columns are different. The "Max" in the first 
table refers to the maximum statistic found in the ROI. The "Max" in the 
2nd table is not actually a maximum. It is just the -log10(p) of the 
cluster. This corresponds to the CWP value in the first table (eg, 
cluster 4 has a CWP=.0024, -log10(.0024)=2.6198 (the negative sign comes 
from the sign of the contrast max in the cluster)). So the first 4 rows 
are the same in the two tables. The last row is excluded from the 2nd 
table because the clusterwise p-value is .0344 which is larger than the 
clusterwise threshold of .01
On 11/20/2012 05:36 AM, S.E. Mous wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfers,
> I didn't notice a resolution to this thread. I'm experiencing the same 
> 'problem';
> When I run Qdec and perform a Monte Carlo correction of 1.3, the 
> terminal window output gives me the following clusters and values 
> (during the MC correction I used the 'abs' option):
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    CWP    
> CWPLow    CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>    1       -4.665  132680   2413.29    -41.5    2.8   24.3  0.00010  
> 0.00000  0.00020  4785  precentral
>    2       -3.915    4012   1620.38    -30.7  -26.1   61.8  0.00010  
> 0.00000  0.00020  3811  postcentral
>    3       -3.257   53060   1559.53    -51.7   -0.2  -23.9  0.00010  
> 0.00000  0.00020  2447  middletemporal
>    4       -2.846  100336   1266.09    -17.0   30.2   44.1  0.00240  
> 0.00180  0.00300  2203  superiorfrontal
>    5       -2.676    4834    855.91    -19.3   30.5  -14.5  0.03440  
> 0.03210  0.03670  1194  lateralorbitofrontal
> But when (after performing MC correction) I hit the button 'Find 
> Clusters and Goto Max' I get different (less) clusters and different 
> Max and coordinate values:
> ============================================================
> Generating cluster stats using min threshold of 2...
> Found 4 clusters
> Contrast: 'lh-Avg-thickness-sumD_adh_5_add1_SQRT-Cor', 10fwhm, DOF: 360
> ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax  Size(mm2)   TalX   TalY   TalZ NVtxs Annotation
> ---------  ---   ------  ---------   ----   ----   ---- ----- ----------
>     1   -4.0000       0    2413.29   -36.8  -18.3   64.5 4785  precentral
>     2   -4.0000      17    1620.38   -21.0  -34.8   68.6 3811  postcentral
>     3   -4.0000      39    1559.53   -53.5  -20.2  -25.5 2447  
> middletemporal
>     4   -2.6198      21    1266.09    -6.6   33.8   49.8 2203  
> superiorfrontal
> ============================================================
> Could you please explain this difference in output and why the Max and 
> coordinate values differ?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Best,
> Sabine Mous
> -- 
> Sabine Mous, MSc
> Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology
> PhD student, Generation R Study
> Erasmus MC, room AE-005
> P.O.Box 2040
> 3000 CA Rotterdam
> The Netherlands
> Phone: (+31) 10 7038019
> E-mail:
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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