probably the best thing to do is to fill the lesion with the average of the values on the border. That will create a minimal amount of new gradients in the image

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012, Julio Alberto González Torre wrote:

Hi Bruce.

I know I can set the value 110 to the voxels corresponding to white matter
lesions, using the FreeSurfer environment.

The issue is that I have binary masks for each subject. These masks are
binary files that match each subject in native space. Thus, for each
subject, this mask contains the information about the original volume voxels
which correspond to damage, and which voxels correspond to normal tissue (1
and 0 respectively).

The idea is to use this information to "paint" the voxels of each subject
corresponding to injury, establishing a mean value of white matter,
considering this value as "normal white matter." This procedure would be
done automatically with the software of SPM8 IMcalc.

The end result would be a T1 lesions volumes filled with "normal" values,
ready to be introduced into the FreeSurfer software without having to paint
each subject lesions manually.

My question is: Is this procedure correct?, Could I perform this procedure
as I have described? Otherwise, how could perform it correctly? Or is it
only possible to perform this procedure using FreeSurfer environment


2012/10/22 Bruce Fischl <>
      Hi Julio

      if they are white matter lesions you should be able to set those
      voxels to 110 in the brain.mgz, brain.finalsurfs.mgz and wm.mgz
      and rerun autorecon2-wm and autorecon3.

       On Mon, 22 Oct 2012, Julio Alberto González Torre wrote:


            My question is about dealing with multiple sclerosis
            lesions in white

            I have previously worked with this sample in SPM8,
            and I have a binary mask
            for each subject with the white matter lesions

            Instead of painting manually each lesion with the
            freesurfer interface,
            could I provide to the freesurfer the T1 images with
            the lesions painted
            with another program? (exactly, with the IMcalc of
            SPM, to set lesion values
            of each T1 image to a standard WM value according to
            the binary mask). Is
            this procedure correct? What value should I provide
            to this lesions?


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