Hi experts, I want to make a new, custom-made parcellation, based on the aparc but with much higher resolution. (I've tried mris_divide_parcellation, which yields strip-shaped instead of isometric labels, and mris_make_face_parcellation, which loses spatial specificity. The wiki describes a way of manually drawing new labels in tksurfer, but I get stuck in the process. I've created a new CLUT, with no. 100-106 being the new subdivisions of the original bankssts label:
# Freesurfer LUT information extracted from annotation file: # lh.aparc.annot # 2008-02-29 23:58:32 # This file can be used as the basis for a new LUT file for annotations purposes # which can be loaded into tksurfer using File > Label > Load color table #No. Label Name: R G B A 0 unknown 25 5 25 0 1 bankssts 25 100 40 0 2 caudalanteriorcingulate 125 100 160 0 3 caudalmiddlefrontal 100 25 0 0 4 corpuscallosum 120 70 50 0 5 cuneus 220 20 100 0 6 entorhinal 220 20 10 0 7 fusiform 180 220 140 0 8 inferiorparietal 220 60 220 0 9 inferiortemporal 180 40 120 0 10 isthmuscingulate 140 20 140 0 11 lateraloccipital 20 30 140 0 12 lateralorbitofrontal 35 75 50 0 13 lingual 225 140 140 0 14 medialorbitofrontal 200 35 75 0 15 middletemporal 160 100 50 0 16 parahippocampal 20 220 60 0 17 paracentral 60 220 60 0 18 parsopercularis 220 180 140 0 19 parsorbitalis 20 100 50 0 20 parstriangularis 220 60 20 0 21 pericalcarine 120 100 60 0 22 postcentral 220 20 20 0 23 posteriorcingulate 220 180 220 0 24 precentral 60 20 220 0 25 precuneus 160 140 180 0 26 rostralanteriorcingulate 80 20 140 0 27 rostralmiddlefrontal 75 50 125 0 28 superiorfrontal 20 220 160 0 29 superiorparietal 20 180 140 0 30 superiortemporal 140 220 220 0 31 supramarginal 80 160 20 0 32 frontalpole 100 0 100 0 33 temporalpole 70 70 70 0 34 transversetemporal 150 150 200 0 100 bankssts_1 25 100 41 0 101 bankssts_2 25 100 45 0 102 bankssts_3 25 100 50 0 103 bankssts_4 25 100 55 0 104 bankssts_5 25 100 60 0 105 bankssts_6 25 100 65 0 I load the aparc and the new CLUT into tksurfer, draw points around a new label, close the path, and then custom fill the area. How do I now indicate that this is for instance the new label bankssts_1? The wiki and mailing archive indicate some problems with manually parcellating, but the info seems dated and scattered. So if there is some place I can find this stuff myself, I'd be happy to check it out. Thanks so much, -- Linda Douw, Ph.D. Research fellow _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly dispose of the e-mail.