> Dr. Fischl,
> Thanks so much. Unfortunately, I had closed the window. But here is what
> happened:
> I set the environment: setenv FREESURFER_HOME /Applications/freesufer
> However, after typing the next command: source
> $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh I got the following error:
> FREESURFER_HOME: Undefined variable.
> I found an old post on the listserv with a similar problem, and directly
> copied the setenv command you had sent back to that user. I then got the
> source command to work, and the output was in line with what the
> installation website said I should get.  Of note, at that time, I used a r
> *egular terminal window*, I believe.
> A friend told me to 'echo $FREESURFER_HOME' to see what the path is
> currently set at. When I do that, I get a blank space.
> Thanks so much for the help!!!
> -Missy
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Bruce Fischl 
> <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:
>> Hi Missy,
>> yes, that sounds like at least part of your problem. What trouble did you
>> have sourcing our env file? Can you send us the screen output?
>> Bruce
>> On Wed, 12 Sep 2012, Melissa Lancaster wrote:
>>  Hi again-
>>> I should have added that I am using Mountain Lion. I have downloaded
>>> Quartz
>>> and when I work from an X11 window I get:
>>> tkmedit: command not found
>>> I had difficulty with the source command when setting up the
>>> directory but eventually got it to work...not sure if this could have
>>> something to do with it.
>>> Thanks again!!!
>>> -Missy
>>> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:46 PM, Melissa Lancaster
>>> <melissa.lancaster@my.rfums.**org <melissa.lancas...@my.rfums.org>>
>>> wrote:
>>>       Hi,
>>> It seemed I had successful installed Freesufer, but when I went to run
>>> the tests I got errors with both tkmedit and tksurfer.
>>> when typing <tkmedit bert orig.mgz> I got the following error:
>>> Couldn't create output file .xdebug_tkmeditGLUT: Fatal Error in
>>> tkmedit.bin: could not open display:
>>> when typing <tksurfer bert rh pial> I got the following error:
>>> GLUT: Fatal Error in tksurfer.bin: could not open display:
>>> Any advice?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Melissa
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> --
> Melissa A. Lancaster, M.S.
> Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
> Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Melissa A. Lancaster, M.S.
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Freesurfer mailing list

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