thanks Souheil


On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Inati, Souheil (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:

> Hi Bruce and Freesurfers,
> The standard part of the nifti_1 header specifies that the first three 
> dimensions are space and the fourth dimension is time and you can store 
> dX,dY,dZ,dT and units.  This page has a nice description of that part of the 
> standard:
> "Time" can be TR, TE, frequency, whatever.
> Whether or not these fields are set correctly is dicom converter dependent.  
> I have no idea what most converters out there do.  If memory serves (which it 
> does less and less in my middle-age), the converter that I was involved in at 
> NYU (written by Valerio Luccio, 
> assumes that you are doing fMRI and puts the TR in the fourth dimension.  
> Note also that what the label 'TR' means is another pulse sequence/vendor 
> specific story.  For evenly sampled fmri experiments we know what we're 
> talking about.  For other things, not so clear.
> If you want to use the extension fields in the nifti header, then you could 
> put more information there, but there's no real convention on how to do this.
> This is all a mess.  NIFTI is not a real data format.  It's just a hack to 
> get us past the misery that was fmri analysis software interoperability in 
> the 1990s.  Unfortunately, DICOM is worse.  I'll back off of that 
> inflammatory comment and say that for a restricted set of imaging, NIFTI is 
> great and very useful, but it's not a good all purpose MRI image storage 
> format.   Someday the MNI guys will win and we'll end up with a real HDF5 
> based format.
> If any of you are still reading this, there is an interesting project being 
> put forward by the ISMRM and the MRM journal for a standardized format for 
> MRI raw data storage.  The idea is that you can have reproducible research in 
> image reconstruction unless you agree on a file format.  It's just getting 
> off the ground, and it's not that useful for post processing, but the idea is 
> to store all the scan parameters and the raw k-space data and sampling 
> pattern, including things like diffusion encoding, physiological signals, 
> etc.  Here's a link:
> Cheers,
> Souheil
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Souheil,
>> does NIFTI store the MR parameters?
>> thanks
>> Bruce
>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Inati, Souheil (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:
>>> On most (all?) scanners TR is stored as an integer.  For example, on
>> siemens it's in microseconds and then stored as a long.  (this is the value
>> in the protocol, not the actual execution TR, but when/if there are no
>> bugs, then this is correct).  When you convert a long to float (single or
>> double precision) you will get some junk in the low bits because of type
>> conversion.  In the dicom it's all string representations.
>>> Does the dicom say 50.000 or 50?
>>> How does the conversion from int
>>> --
>>> Souheil Inati, PhD
>>> Staff Scientist
>>> Functional MRI Facility
>>> On Aug 28, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>> does NIFTI support the MR parameters? I'm not sure it does. I suspect
>>>> that 50 is correct and not 50.000000745058060 (can you imagine setting
>>>> that on the console)?
>>>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, dgw wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request. I have been
>>>>> using mri_convert to convert dicoms to nii.gz and mgz files, and I
>>>>> have noticed some discrepancies when reading the volumes in with
>>>>> MRIread in either matlab or octave. The volumes differ in their
>>>>> support of the flip angle, tr, te, and ti fields (I realize some of
>>>>> this may be due to file type differences). Thought the standard output
>>>>> of mri_convert shows the expected values.
>>>>> In the mgz file the TR seems to be rounded i.e.
>>>>> 50 instead of 50.000000745058060 in the nii.gz
>>>>> In the mgz file the flip angle and te are recorded
>>>>> FA 0.52.... while in the nii.gz it is 0
>>>>> te 10.39... while in the nii.gz it is 0
>>>>> The ti value appears strange to me in the mgz
>>>>> ti = -1 while in the nii.gz it is 0
>>>>> I have generated two files using mri convert off of the same MR volume
>>>>> as a test case:
>>>>> /cluster/hbot/agario_p2_2/dcm/020_t1_fl2d_tra_TEMP/004/877000-000020-000003.dcm
>>>>> /cluster/hbot/agario_p2_2/dcm/020_t1_fl2d_tra_TEMP/004/volume.nii.gz
>>>>> /cluster/hbot/agario_p2_2/dcm/test.mgz
>>>>> These files were generated using /usr/local/freesurfer/stable5_1_0/
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> D
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