Hello Bruce,

By creating new errors after adding cp, it usually leaves out a large
portion of cortex (and its white matter) that was originally correctly
identified in the first attempt. I have tried to add cp in areas that are
not in partial volume voxels. The version command says I am using:

$Id: recon-all,v 1.379.2.17 2011/05/20 22:48:18 nicks Exp $


On 8/25/12 8:29 AM, "Bruce Fischl" <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

>Hi Megan
>it's hard for us to diagnose without seeing the details. In general
>though you have to be careful to make sure that you aren't putting
>points in partial volumed voxels. When you say it creates new errors, can
>you give us some details? Is the wm too bright in those regions? What FS
>version are you using?
>On Fri, 24 Aug 2012, Herting, Megan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using freesurfer on a large dataset and I am having some
>> trouble. Sometimes the temporal lobes are not fully covered, so I will
>> back to add a few control points based on the recommendations of
>> (voxels that are <110 and not next to a gray matter voxel) and send it
>> through again. This will often correct the previous error, but then
>>ends up
>> creating new errors in a different region (frontal lobe, temporal lobe
>> the other hemisphere) etc. This has happened on a large fraction of my
>> (~25%). What is recommended to fix this? Should I continue to  try to
>>add cp
>> to these new regions and send it through again, and continue to do this
>> until it looks good? Is there another method?
>> Thank you! 
>> Megan 
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