Regarding Winkler et al.:
On Aug 21, 2012 11:00 PM, "Gregory Kirk" <> wrote:

> Hi folks, I wanted to make sure i have everything straight w.r.t. the
> surface area measures.
> as i see there are 4 ways implemented ( somewhere ) to do cortical surface
> area analysis.
> 1. areal expansion
> 2. Local Gyrification Index
> 3. direct vertex based true surface area glm, Winkler AM et. al
> 4. roi based, i.e. based on the surface areas of the parcellation units in
> lh.aparc.a2009s.stats etc.
> 1. recent pub, Lisa T. Eyler et. al used the areal expansion method.
> was this done exactly as would be achived by using the area tab on qdec
> and setting up a glm ?
> Dale published surface area specifying some details of implementation but
> i was not sure
> if this was exactly what is implemented in qdec ?
> 2. LGI seems to me this is the ratio of two areas, that of the hull to the
> area inscribed by projecting
> the border of the hull onto the grey/white surface. In an e-mail Nick said
> LGI is a curvature based measure and that
> confused me a bit. gyrification is of course related to curvature but it
> seems the quantities actually calculated here are ratios of areas, which
> gives local info on surface area differences.
> 3. the winkler stuff is i think not publicly available yet at this time ?
> 4. straightforward enough not withstanding ICV corrections, etc.
> any words of clarification before i start trying some analysis on my group
> ?
> thank you
> Greg
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