The problem with the ICV calc in v5.1 is explained in the v5.1 Known
Issues section of the ReleaseNotes page, which i've also just updated
with notes on a workaround:

the workaround is to type these commands:

cd subjid/mri
talairach_avi --i nu.mgz --xfm transforms/talairach.xfm
recon-all -s subjid -segstats

this re-runs that talairach using the nu corrected image as input (which
was how it was done prior to v5.1 and is how it will be done in v5.2),
then regenerates the stats, where the one item that will change in the
aseg.stats file will be the ICV (eTIV) calc.


On Tue, 2012-08-14 at 10:53 -0600, Cheryl McCreary wrote:
> Dear fs Experts, 
> In the most recent Freesurfer Digest (vol102, Issue13), a question
> regarding ICV calculations in version 5.1.0 was raised (message 4).
>  Can you please expand on the problems with this?  I am using version
> 5.1.0 and the estimate of ICV is of interest.
> Thanks,
> Cheryl McCreary
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