Hi Eduardo,

On 08/15/2012 04:24 PM, Eduardo Europa wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two questions:
> First:
> I made left hemisphere anatomical ROIs using the freesurfer cortical 
> parcellation atlas and fsaverage's data. However, when I convert these 
> ROIs from .mgz to an SPM-compatible format (.img), the LH ROIs show up 
> on the right. Any idea on how to resolve this problem?
Use nifti instead of img.
> The ROIs I need are customized (i.e., I needed to merge some of the 
> areas, and did so via relabeling), but for simpler purposes let's just 
> say I used lh.BA44.label for now. Here are the commands I used:
> cd $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage
> mri_label2vol --label label/lh.BA44.label --temp mri/T1.mgz --identity 
> --o lh.BA44.mgz
> mri_convert lh.BA44.mgz lh.BA44.img
> Second:
> I would like to normalize these anatomical ROIs to MNI space in SPM. 
> To do this I was thinking about taking fsaverage's anatomical file, 
> converting it to an SPM-compatible format, estimate the normalization 
> parameters from fsaverage's anatomical to SPM's T1 template, and then 
> writing those parameters to the anatomical ROIs. Therefore am I 
> correct in converting fsaverage's T1.mgz to .img since I am specifying 
> that as the template in the mri_label2vol above?
If the ROIs are in fsaverage space (same as MNI305), then you can use 
mri_label2vol with $FREESURFER_HOME/average/mni152.register.dat to 
convert to mni152 space

> Thanks!
> -- 
> Eduardo Europa
> Ph.D. Student, Aphasia and Neurolinguistics Research Laboratory
> President, Queer Pride Graduate Student Association
> Co-Chair, Graduate Leadership Council
> Member, LGBTQA Campus Advisory Network
> Northwestern University
> Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
> Frances Searle Building
> 2240 Campus Drive
> Evanston, IL 60208-3570
> eur...@u.northwestern.edu <mailto:eur...@u.northwestern.edu>
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