Hi Christopher

see if mris_distance_transform does what you want.

On Thu, 26 Jul 2012, 
Christopher Coello wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I'm not really familiar with compiling C functions, I have been working all 
> the time with Matlab. Always worth to ask : do you have such set of C 
> functions in Matlab also ?
> Christopher
> On 25.07.2012 16:10, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> sure, we can compute distance-to-surface transforms and such, but I
>> don't think we have any pre-packaged binaries that will do what you
>> want, just a set of C functions
>> Bruce
>> On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Christopher Coello wrote:
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> Absolutely, the voxels I'm referring to are defined regarding their
>>> distance to the cortical ribbon (let's say within 5 mm) rather than by
>>> belonging to a specific tissue type.
>>> Using a distance criteria from the ribbon surface and collect only
>>> voxels within a certain distance (going outwards) could be one
>>> solution. Is that possible with some functions in Freesurfer ?
>>> Chris
>>> On 25.07.2012 15:50, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris
>>>> that's tough to do with only a T1 image as CSF and bone look the same.
>>>> We don't have any ready-made tools for doing what you want, but you
>>>> could probably get close with some rules. Sounds like the voxels you are
>>>> referring to are CSF or dura given their proximity to brain
>>>> cheers
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Christopher Coello wrote:
>>>>> Dear Freesurfer users,
>>>>> I have been using the function mri_watershed with options -LABEL and
>>>>> -atlas to segment into csf, scalp and skull. This option also gives a
>>>>> segmentation of the gm and wm. All voxels of the head are assigned to
>>>>> one of the labels.
>>>>> Nevertheless, the segmentation obtained in the file aseg.mgz of the
>>>>> cortical ribbon is of much better quality the fast mri_watershed -LABEL
>>>>> one. The problem is now if I use the csf obtained with mri_watershed
>>>>> -LABEL together with the aseg.mgz gm segmentation, some voxels in the
>>>>> border between cortical ribbon and csf are unassigned.
>>>>> My question is then : how could I generate a csf map like the one
>>>>> obtained with mri_watershed -LABEL, but that is complementary of the
>>>>> segmentation present in aseg.mgz of the cortical ribbon ?
>>>>> Thanks a lot in advance,
>>>>> Best,
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