that looks right except "--surfreg sphere" should be "--surfreg 
Where did you get those instructions? Did I send them out before?

On 07/16/2012 01:32 PM, Irene Altarelli wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> thanks for your answer. I guess I got confused by the output of the
> interhemispheric registration.
> So, to be sure I understood correctly: are you suggesting that I should
> 1) run
> mri_label2label --srcsubject suj1 --trgsubject suj1/xhemi --srclabel
> $SUBJECT_DIR/suj1/label/lh.mylabel.label --trglabel
> $SUBJECT_DIR/suj1/xhemi/label/lh.mylabel.label --regmethod surface
> --surfreg sphere --hemi lh
> 2) copy the newly created label /suj1/xhemi/label/lh.mylabel.label to
> suj1/label/rh.mylabel.label and calculate stats from that one?
> Thanks again!
> Have a nice day,
> Irene
> Le lundi 16 juillet 2012 à 10:49 -0400, Douglas N Greve a écrit :
>> Hi Irene, what are the instructions you are following? If you have
>> mapped the lh.roi to the LH of the xhemi subject (making it the RH),
>> then you can copy it to subject/label/rh.roi and run the normal stats.
>> doug
>> On 07/09/2012 04:31 AM, Irene Altarelli wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a ROI on the left hemisphere and I'd like to extract cortical
>>> thickness values from the homologous region in the right hemisphere. For
>>> this I applied the interhemispheric registration process and got my ROI
>>> mapped into the right hemisphere in /subject/xhemi/label.
>>> However when I tried to run mris_anatomical_stats on /subject/xhemi it
>>> failed, as there is no wm.mgz file in /subject/xhemi/mri.
>>> Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Irene

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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