Dear Bruce,

Did you also identified a strong rightward asymmetry (with pars triangular
and BA44) in your data analyzed by freesurfer 5.1? Just, to be sure, that
this is not an issue only with our data. I'd like to use the TRACULA as
well, and because tracula uses the cortical parcellation of our subjects
I'm not sure that it is worth to start TRACULA now, or waiting for your
cortical parcellation fix.

Sorry for disturbing you again with the same issue, but it is very
important for us to know, that it is a real issue with the cortical
parcellation or we messed up something, and if it is a real issue, which
labels we shouldn't use for statistical analysis.

Thank you in advance for your answer,

2012/6/25 Bruce Fischl <>

> sure. Thanks for pointing out the BA44 issue.  We'll put together a fix in
> the next couple of weeks
> Bruce
> On Mon, 25 Jun 2012, Gabor Perlaki wrote:
>  Dear Bruce,
>> I've checked the pars triangularis. It was right-lateralized in 79
>> subjects
>> and left-lateralized in only 19 subjects.
>> Thanks, Gabor
>> 2012/6/23 Bruce Fischl <>
>>       the structures don't need a threshold. Do you know that pars
>>       triangularis is left lateralized? For the BAs will get you a
>>       solution
>>       On Sat, 23 Jun 2012, Gabor Perlaki wrote:
>>             Dear Bruce,
>>             We don't used any thresholding by ourselves, we just
>>             took BA44 volumes out
>>             of the text-file in the stats directory.
>>             Should we use thresholded values instead of the
>>             volumes reported by the text
>>             files in the stats directory?
>>             Could we use the volumes reported by the aparc.stats
>>             and aseg.stats files
>>             for any statistical analyses, or do we need
>>             threshold that structures as
>>             well?
>>             Thanks,
>>             Gabor
>>             2012/6/23 Bruce Fischl <>
>>                  Hi Gabor
>>                  are you thresholding the BA4 label? In 5.2 we
>>             will distribute
>>                  some tools to automatically threshold the
>>             labels so that the
>>                  predicted area has the average area of the
>>             input labels. The
>>                  right BA44 had more spatial spread than the
>>             left, so you might
>>                  be including a lot of low probability vertices.
>>                  cheers
>>                  Bruce
>>                  On Sat, 23 Jun 2012, Gabor Perlaki wrote:
>>                        Dear Bruce,
>>                        In the paper "Left-right asymmetry in
>>             volume and
>>                        number of neurons in adult
>>                        Broca's area." by Katrin Amunts, 10
>>             subjects (5 men
>>                        and 5 women) were
>>                        studied, and the volume of BA44 was
>>             greater in the
>>                        left hemisphere than in
>>                        the right in all ten cases. So, it is
>>             very strange
>>                        that the volume of BA44
>>                        was greater in the right hemisphere in
>>             all of the 80
>>                        subjects analyzed by
>>                        Eniko.
>>                        Thanks,
>>                        Gabor
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