Hi Remmelt

folding patterns are not symmetric across the hemispheres, so the cortical parcellation will change if you flip things left/right, which is appropriate. I would be surprised if you see much change in the thickness though.


On Fri, 15 Jun 2012, Schur, Remmelt R. wrote:

Dear Freesurfers,

Grey matter volumes of the same structure seem to be measured differently
depending on if FreeSurfer establishes it as in the left or in the right hemisphere. For example, if I take a look at the caudal anterior cingulate in the right hemisphere and I flip the image (creating a mirror image of the same hemisphere, which will then be treated by FreeSurfer as a left hemisphere), the same structure has a totally different grey matter volume (see attachment, on the right the original and on the left the flipped version). Does anybody know what's the logic behind this and what's the best way to avoid FreeSurfer creating asymmetry between left and right hemisphere (maybe averaging flipped and non-flipped data?)


Kind regards,
Remmelt Schür

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