hi doug,

i am loading 917 subjects in qdec.....i already made qdec.table.dat which 
consist the list of subjid, age, gender, lh & rh thickness......

for some reason, it is only displaying the first subject.....others are not 
been detected by qdec.....
i also looked into tutorial and compared the tutorial qdec.table.dat file with 
the one i made....both r identical and look good......$SUBJECTS_DIR already has 
glm, qdec and fsaverage folders....Still; it displaying only one subject.....

any idea why is it doing as i tried several ways to find the fix but hasnt been 
successful yet....please let me know


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas N Greve" <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
To: "Jürgen Hänggi" <j.haen...@psychologie.uzh.ch>
Cc: "Freesurfer Mailinglist" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 4:17:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Mris_anatomical_stats: smoothing does not work with 
surface area maps

Hi Juegen, there will be a file called something like 
cache.th20.abs.y.ocn.dat in the glm output directory. This will be a 
text file with number of columns equal to the number of significant 
clusters (after correction) and number of rows equal to the number of 
subjects. The value will be the average over that cluster for that 
subject. Is this what you want? This will correspond exactly with the 
map-based data, which you'll never be able to do by mapping the clusters 
back to each individual subject because of resampling issues.

On 06/08/2012 02:37 AM, Jürgen Hänggi wrote:
> Hi Doug
> I correlated a behavioural measure with cortical thickness and surface area
> using mri_preroc, mri_surf2surf and mri_glmfit. Now I would like to extract
> the individual values of the clusters that correlated with the behavioural
> measure.
> Because the individual values should be comparable with the results of the
> group, I have to smooth them too.
> When using --sval lh.area, the following error occurred:
> [Juergen-Haenggis-Mac-Pro:/Applications/freesurfer/subjects] juergenhaenggi%
> foreach s ( MOREA_* )
> foreach? mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --s $s --sval lh.area --fwhm 15 --tval
> lh.area.15.mgh --cortex
> foreach? end
> ERROR: could not determine type of lh.area
> .......
> .......
> .......
> ERROR: could not determine type of lh.area
> [Juergen-Haenggis-Mac-Pro:/Applications/freesurfer/subjects] juergenhaenggi%
> Thanks
> Cheers
> Jürgen
> On [DATE], "Douglas N Greve"<[ADDRESS]>  wrote:
>> Use "--sval lh.area". Also, why do you want to smooth it before
>> averaging over the ROI?
>> doug
>> On 06/07/2012 01:29 AM, Jürgen Hänggi wrote:
>>> Hi Doug
>>> This is my command line:
>>> mris_anatomical_stats -a area_left_significant_labels.annot -t lh.area
>>> -nsmooth 15 -f $s/stats/lh.aparc.a2005s.stats $s lh
>>> In the past, you recommended smoothing the data with mri_surf2surf instead
>>> of with mris_anatomical_stats.
>>> For that purpose, I run the following command:
>>> mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --s $s --sval-area area --fwhm 15 --tval
>>> lh.area.15.mgh --cortex
>>> But the following error occurred:
>>> [Juergen-Haenggis-Mac-Pro:/Applications/freesurfer/subjects] juergenhaenggi%
>>> foreach s ( MOREA_* )
>>> foreach? mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --s $s --sval-area area --fwhm 15 --tval
>>> lh.area.15.mgh --cortex
>>> foreach? end
>>> srcsubject = MOREA_KG002
>>> srcval     = (null)
>>> srctype    =
>>> trgsubject = MOREA_KG002
>>> trgval     = lh.area.15.mgh
>>> trgtype    =
>>> srcsurfreg = sphere.reg
>>> trgsurfreg = sphere.reg
>>> srchemi    = lh
>>> trghemi    = lh
>>> frame      = 0
>>> fwhm-in    = 0
>>> fwhm-out   = 15
>>> label-src  = (null)
>>> label-trg  = lh.cortex.label
>>> OKToRevFaceOrder  = 1
>>> Reading source surface reg
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/MOREA_KG002/surf/lh.sphere.reg
>>> Loading source data
>>> Reading surface file
>>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/MOREA_KG002/surf/lh.area
>>> nquads=9895939,  nvertices=399
>>> ERROR: MRISread: file
>>> '/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/MOREA_KG002/surf/lh.area' has many more
>>> faces than vertices!
>>> Probably trying to use a scalar data file as a surface!
>>> Thanks for help in advance
>>> Cheers
>>> Jürgen
>>> On [DATE], "Douglas Greve"<[ADDRESS]>   wrote:
>>>> what is your command line?
>>>> doug
>>>> On 6/6/12 5:25 AM, Jürgen Hänggi wrote:
>>>>> Dear FS experts
>>>>> I have done group comparisons wrt thickness and surface area. The
>>>>> found clusters were written out as annotations, transformed into each
>>>>> individual space, and then the corresponding values were extracted.
>>>>> When using mris_anatomical_stats, values are different for thickness maps
>>>>> depending whether I used the --nsmooth 15 option or not. So good
>>>>> so far.
>>>>> However, when using the same command (see below) for ?h.area files,
>>>>> extracted values are the same whether or not I used the --nsmooth option.
>>>>> It seems that the --nsmooth option in mris_anatomical_stats does not
>>>>> affect (smooth) the surface area maps.
>>>>> Is there any solution to also smooth surface area maps with
>>>>> mris_anatomical_stats?
>>>>> I use the Mac FS 5.1.0 version
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Jürgen Hänggi
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>
> -
>>>>> Jürgen Hänggi, Ph.D.
>>>>> Division Neuropsychology
>>>>> Institute of Psychology
>>>>> University of Zurich
>>>>> Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
>>>>> 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
>>>>> 0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
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>>>>> BIN 4.D.04 (office room number)
>>>>> j.haenggi[at]psychologie.uzh.ch (email)
>>>>> http://www.psychologie.uzh.ch/neuropsy/ (website)
>>>>> http://www.juergenhaenggi.ch (private website)
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> -
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>>> Jürgen Hänggi, Ph.D.
>>> Division Neuropsychology
>>> Institute of Psychology
>>> University of Zurich
>>> Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
>>> 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
>>> 0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jürgen Hänggi, Ph.D.
> Division Neuropsychology
> Institute of Psychology
> University of Zurich
> Binzmuehlestrasse 14, PO Box 25
> 8050 Zurich, Switzerland
> 0041 44 635 73 97 (phone office)
> 0041 76 445 86 84 (phone mobile)
> 0041 44 635 74 09 (fax office)
> BIN 4.D.04 (office room number)
> j.haenggi[at]psychologie.uzh.ch (email)
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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