Dear Freesurfer experts,

How can I transform from MNI coordinates to RAS surface coordinates?


2012/6/5 Yolanda Vives <>

> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I have performed a VBM analysis with SPM, using some VOIs. Now I would
> like to compare the volumetric results obtained with SPM with those of
> cortical thickness obtained with Freesurfer in the same VOIs
> (approximately).
> For this purpose, I would like to transform the MNI coordinates of my SPM
> VOIs into RAS surface coordinates of fsaverage, to draw a label of more or
> less the same size of the SPM VOI and to propage it to all the subjects in
> order to obtain an average cortical thickness of this label (VOI) for each
> subject.
> 1) Would this procedure be correct?
> 2) How could I transform my MNI coordinates into RAS surface coordinates?
> Thank you in advance,
> Yolanda

Yolanda Vives
PIC (Port d'Informació Científica)
Campus UAB, Edificio D
E-08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona
Telf. +34 93 586 8232
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