---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 00:27:36 +0000
From: Rosalind Reid <>
To: "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>, "" <>,
    Michael P. Brenner <>,
    David M. Brooks <>, "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    Ozlem Ergun <>,
    "" <>,
    Bruce Fischl <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>, Gary King 
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    L.   Mahadevan <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    John G. Morrisett <>, "" <>,
    Hanspeter Pfister <>,
    "" <>,
    "" <>,
    Jeffrey Schnapp <>,
    Margo I. Seltzer <>,
    Sadasivan Shankar <>,
    "" <>,
    Christopher Stubbs <>,
    "" <>,
    Leslie G. Valiant <>,
    "" <>,
    James H. Waldo <>, Matt    Welsh <>
Subject: Fwd: Harvard SEAS News: New master's degree in Computational Science
    and Engineering debuts

I'm pleased to share the announcement issued by the School of Engineering
and Applied Sciences today. Please feel free to share it with anyone! It
will appear in the Harvard Gazette tomorrow. There is additional information
for prospective students on the IACS
website: I'm happy to
field inquiries from anyone interested in the program.

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful summer.


Rosalind Reid
Executive Director, Institute for Applied Computational Science

Begin forwarded message:

      From: "Michael P. Rutter" <>
Date: May 31, 2012 4:15:29 PM EDT
Subject: Harvard SEAS News: New master's degree in Computational
Science and Engineering debuts

Contact: Michael Patrick Rutter, (617) 496-3815

Harvard to offer new master's degree in Computational Science and
One-year master's, accepting applications this fall, ideal for
students who wish to apply computation to academic and industry

Cambridge, Mass. ? May 31, 2012 ? A new master?s degree program in
Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) will be launched at
Harvard during the coming academic year, with the aim of training new
leaders for a future where large-scale computation and advanced
mathematical modeling will propel discovery and innovation in fields
from psychology to photonics.

The program, developed at the Harvard School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences (SEAS), will begin accepting applications this fall,
for enrollment in September 2013.

Emphasizing the application of fundamental knowledge across the
frontiers of natural and social sciences, humanities, and engineering,
the one-year Master of Science (S.M.) program will provide rigorous
training in the mathematical and computing foundations of CSE.
Students will apply computation to chosen domains in independent
research projects and elective courses. Beginning in 2014 SEAS will
also offer a two-year Master of Engineering (M.E.) program, with a
second year devoted mainly to research.

?Our aim is to create distinctive master?s programs that are both
intellectually rich and scientifically vital,? said Cherry A. Murray,
dean of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. ?It is
essential that we provide the next generation of leaders with the
heavy-duty computationalskills to analyze real, complex systems. We
want to equip our students with the confidence to dive into
fundamental problems like medicine, climate modeling, and operational
logistics, and with the skills to reshape the world for thebetter.?

The Harvard program will offer a curriculum broader than typical for
master?s degrees in computational science, anchored by core courses in
both computer science and applied mathematics and embracing a wide
range of applications, including the social sciences in particular.
New master?s students will engage with faculty from disciplines across
Harvard?s departments in the arts and sciences so that all students are
exposed to ideas and applications from many disciplines.

The course of study, in fact, is intended to accomplish a set of eight
learning outcomes developed with leaders in industry and the national
labs, as well as faculty across Harvard. An advisory board, formed by
SEAS dean Cherry A. Murray in 2010 to help design the program, agreed
that graduates should be able to model complex systems, evaluate and
implement efficient computational solutions, and collaborate to design
robust software, and analyze massive data sets, among other
objectives. Core courses focused on these outcomes are already being
offered to Harvard students and proving popular.

?We at Microsoft Research New England very much look forward to
deepening our collaboration and relationship with Harvard in this new
endeavor,? said advisory board member Jennifer Chayes, Distinguished
Scientist and Managing Director of Microsoft Research New England and
Microsoft Research New York City. ?Many of the defining questions of
this era in science and technology will be centered on ?big data? and
machine learning. This master?s program will prepare students to answer
those questions by integrating and applying computation and
engineering with other disciplines, including both physical and social

Jointly managed by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and
SEAS, the program has grown out of the recently created Institute for
Applied Computational Science (IACS) in SEAS. IACS taps the diverse
intellectual strengths of Harvard for insight into how torrents of
data and new technologies are transforming scholarship and uses these
insights in designing courses and student activities that achieve the
program outcomes. The institute?s first milestone was the launch in 2011
of a Secondary Field, or graduate minor program, in Computational
Science and Engineering,available to students currently enrolled in a
Ph.D. program in GSAS.

?In keeping with Harvard?s emphasis on foundational knowledge, the master?s
program will focus on crosscutting mathematical and computational
principles. It will emphasize active learning, allowing students to
implement and test these techniques in individual and collaborative
projects in economics, physics, biology, and a range of other fields.
This will prepare them to integrate critical knowledge in both
industry and academic settings,? said Efthimios Kaxiras, the director of
IACS and the John Hasbrouck Van Vleck Professor of Pure and Applied
Physics in the Department of Physics and SEAS.

Through their courses and projects, students who complete the program
will acquire mastery of approaches including mathematical techniques
for modeling and simulation ofcomplex systems; parallel programming
and collaborative software development; and efficient methods for
organizing, exploring, visualizing, processing, and analyzing very
large data sets.

?Computer-aided in silico discovery and rapid prototyping will affect
all areas of modern life by enabling modeling of complex systems:
biotechnology for health; chemistry and materials discovery for
aerospace, auto industry, clean energy, and information technology;
behavioral economics for social sciences; and more,? said Sadasivan
Shankar, Senior Principal Engineer and Program Leader for Materials
Design at Intel. ?Harvard has again taken a leadership role in this
shift by the inception of a multi-disciplined graduate program on
application of computational sciences to areas of relevance to human
advancement in the 21st century. We are very excited at this and hope
to work with Harvard in promoting this journey.?

Related activities organized by IACS will complement the coursework.
The institute sponsors an ongoing lecture series and a
High-Performance Computing Journal Club; it also hosts ComputeFest, a
week of dynamic skill- and knowledge-building activities for the
Harvard community each January.

?Los Alamos National Laboratory is delighted with Harvard's new master's
degree program in CSE, and looks forward to a close relationship with
the program through internships and reciprocal visits,? said advisory
board member Alan Bishop, Principal Associate Director for Science,
Technology, and Engineering at Los Alamos National Laboratory. ?There
has been remarkable growth in advanced computing capability and impact
in the U.S. over the last decade. The need to fully integrate this
asset into the scientific method to enhance discovery, prediction, and
design is evident in all disciplines as well as in the great complex
systems challenges facing society, such as health, security, the
energy-climate infrastructurenexus, and advanced manufacturing.
Training the next generation of science,technology, and engineering
leaders with the skills to formulate algorithmssuited for emerging
computing architectures to accelerate progress is critical. Harvard is
leading the way.?


Students who apply for the CSE master?s program will be admitted through
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS). For more information,
visit the IACS website.


  About the Institute for Applied Computational Science

The Institute for Applied Computational Science was established in
September 2010 by the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences (SEAS). It is charged with launching a unique
interdisciplinary education and research program in computational
science and engineering (CSE).

 The new Institute will:

 *  create an intellectual home for faculty and students applying
    computational methods to major challenges in science
 *  enhance existing courses in applied mathematics and computation
    and develop new computational science courses, activities, and
    research opportunities for Harvard students from across the

By establishing the Institute, SEAS has committed to fostering
graduate training and research in applied computational science,
infusing the curriculum with new courses and student research
opportunities that will focus on the use of computation to power
discovery and innovation.


  Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to the program?
Students will be admitted to the new program through the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences, which requires online submission of
applications for graduate study. In general, applicants must hold the
BA or equivalent degree. GSAS considers students for admission to the
fall term only. Additional rules and requirements, including SEAS
program requirements and the application deadline (generally December
15 each year), are outlined at the GSAS website.

During 2012, applications will be accepted for the one-year S.M.
program. The first applications for the M.E. program will be accepted
in 2013 for enrollment in the fall of 2014. Students enrolled in the
S.M. program will have the opportunity to apply at that time for
thetwo-year program.

IACS welcomes inquiries from all qualified prospective students
interested in exploring the emerging field of computational science.
For detailed information about studying CSE at Harvard, please
contact IACS Executive Director Rosalind Reid.

What is the difference between the secondary field and the master?s
program in CSE?
The secondary field is a four-course program available to Ph.D.
students in GSAS. The S.M. degree requires eight courses and an oral
examination. Students can either apply directly to the master?s degree
program or take the master?s en route to a Ph.D. in another field. The
M.E. will require a thesis and a total of 16 courses, at least six of
which will be research courses. The M.E. is a terminal degree, meaning
that students pursuing the M.E. cannot seek a higher Harvard degree.

Can undergraduates with advance standing at Harvard apply to the
Yes. Harvard College students admitted to advanced standing can apply
to complete the S.M. in CSE during their senior year.

What are the intended learning outcomes?
The design of the program is based on eight learning outcomes,
developed through discussions with the IACS Advisory Board. Each
student's plan of study should address these outcomes.

The outcomes answer the question: "What should a graduate of our CSE
program be able to do?"

 1. Produce a computational solution to a problem that is reproducible
    and can be comprehended by others in the same field.
 2. Communicate across disciplines and collaborate in a team.
 3. Model complex systems appropriately with consideration of
    efficiency, cost, and data availability.
 4. Use computation for advanced data analysis.
 5. Create or enable a breakthrough in a domain in science.
 6. Take advantage of parallel and distributed computing and other
    emerging modes of computation, both in algorithms and in code
 7. Evaluate and compare multiple computational approaches to a
    scientific challenge and choose the most appropriate and efficient
 8. Apply techniques and tools from software engineering to build
    robust, reliable, and maintainable software.

What are the degree requirements?
Requirements for the S.M. degree address these learning outcomes. They
build on the requirements already established for the Graduate
Secondary Field in CSE. A total of eight courses are required.

Each student's plan of study for the S.M. degree will include:

 *  at least three of the four core courses, including 1?2 from the
    Applied Mathematics (AM) core and 1?2 from the Computer Science (CS)
 *  between two and six CSE electives chosen from the suggested
    electives list, including at least one from the AM list and one in
 *  up to two ?domain electives??approved computation-intensive courses
    within a domain
 *  up to two semester-length independent research projects
 *  as a final requirement, an oral examination by a faculty committee

S.M. course requirements (8 total) at a glance:

S.M. requirements






Applied Math electives



Computer Science electives



Domain electives



299R research course



M.E. students will be expected to complete the full core along with
additional domain electives and research courses. They will earn four
course credits for thesis research.

What sets the field of Computational Science and Engineering apart?
Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), a rapidly emerging
interdisciplinary field of inquiry, is an applied science, a mix of
mathematics and computer science directed at Grand Challenge problems,
from making solar energy affordable to providing access to clean water
to improving urban infrastructures to securing cyberspace.

At the same time, CSE has the potential to transform many fields,
enabling new kinds of inquiry in protein folding, creating new
materials, merging imaging and genomic data for medical applications,
and simulating physical systems under extreme conditions that are
otherwiseimpossible to study.

Broadly, many fields in the natural and social sciences and critical
areas in industry need experts in CSE who can create new ways of
understanding, predicting, and solving problems.

Michael Patrick Rutter
Communications Director
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Pierce Hall 289, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Work: 617-496-3815 | Cell: 617-216-1175

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