Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I am trying to create an average subject based on a matched subsample (2 
different scanners, patients and healthy controls).

I successfully ran make_average_subject receiving a "newtemplate". Now I am 
unsure how to proceed:

As far as I understand it, according to the SurfaceRegAndTemplates page 
I should use mris_register for each subject from my subsample receiving 
?h.sphere.reg.newtemple files with which I should make again an average 
subject, let's call it "newnewtemplate".

Is that correct?

Now, if I want to assemble the data into common space using mris_preproc: what 
do I need to specify?
Would --target be the newtemplate or newnewtemplate? Do I need to specifiy the 
--surf-reg as well?

On the other hand, I read in one of your tutorials that I only need to run 
make_average_subject receiving a "newtemplate" which I then specify using 
mris_preproc as --target and that --surf-reg is not needed.

So what would be the correct way to use my own template for the group analysis?

Many thanks for you help!

Best wishes


Christina Schuster, M.Sc.

Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)
Standort Rostock/ Greifswald
Sitz am Zentrum für Nervenheilkunde (über Station N4)
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D- 18147 Rostock
Tel: +49-381-494-9618
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Vorstand: Prof. Pierluigi Nicotera, MD PhD
(Vorstandsvorsitzender und wissenschaftliches Vorstandsmitglied)
und Ursula Weyrich (administratives Vorstandsmitglied)
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