(1) Version: optseq2.c,v

(2) Computer operating system: Mac OS X Version 10.7.3

(3) Command line: optseq2 --ntp 230 --tr 1.5 --psdwin 0 24 0.5 --ev go 7 36
--ev nogo 7 12 --nkeep 4 --o gonogo --nsearch 1000

(4) Description of the problem: This is in reference to a go/no-go
paradigm. I am getting very low Eff and VRFAvg values. Is this an issue/ is
common with go/no-go paradigms? If this is an issue, any recommendations
for appropriate modifications. A trial in my experiment involves a
countdown (duration 2 seconds) followed by the event of interest (0.5
seconds) followed by a blank screen (3.5 seconds). I set dPSD at 0.5
because this number is divisible by both the --tr and trial length (7

(5) Log and/or summary files:

Searched 1000 iterations for 0.002500 hours
Rate: 111.111 iterations per second
INFO: 211/1000 schedules were ill-conditioned
Number of iterations since last substitution 310
Cost Avg/Std: 0.0105840 0.0060667
Max Eff Encountered:    0.0154867
Max VRFAvg Encountered: 1.6717
Eff of Nominal Ideal XtX: 0.177183

Rank     Cost   ZCost NthIter  Eff   CB1Err   VRFAvg VRFStd VRFMin VRFMax
  1    0.0155   0.808   597   0.015 0.157407   1.67   0.61   0.80   4.13
3.33   4723.04
  2    0.0150   0.732   218   0.015 0.009259   1.58   0.50   0.87   3.03
2.15   4749.02
  3    0.0149   0.708    82   0.015 0.009259   1.54   0.46   0.91   3.15
2.24   4882.85
  4    0.0148   0.703   539   0.015 0.175926   1.56   0.52   0.94   3.86
2.91   4752.15
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