Hi Nick,

It does not work properly, it only produces an error message,
even with no option at all:

'nknown option: '-
Usage: tcsh [ -bcdefilmnqstvVxX ] [ argument ...].


On 17 Apr 2012, at 16:28, Nick Schmansky wrote:

> a modified recon-all is attached.  it will run nu_correct prior to the
> talairach stage, as will be the case with v5.2.  so you can just run:
> recon-all -s subjid -all -clean-tal
> n.
> On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 08:58 +0200, Ed Gronenschild wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> The option -talairach-nu is not recognized in version v5.1.0.
>> How can I proceed now?
>> Ed
>> On 16 Apr 2012, at 17:32, Nick Schmansky wrote:
>>> Ed,
>>> Hi, no there is not an option to switch them.  The nu correct  
>>> stage in
>>> 5.1 needs the talairach to run.
>>> However, if your intent is to get a better talairach result by
>>> using the
>>> nu corrected input (as it did prior to v5.1), then you can do the
>>> following:
>>> recon-all -s subjid -motioncor -talairach -nuintensitycor
>>> then run:
>>> recon-all -s subjid -all -talairach-nu -clean-tal
>>> on the second run, it will use the nu.mgz in the talairach stage.
>>> Note that in the next version, v5.2, one iteration of nu_correct
>>> will be
>>> run prior to the talairach stage to use as input to the talairach
>>> stage,
>>> in order to get the better talairach results that people were seeing
>>> prior to v5.1.  it will still run the current nu_correct stage to
>>> create
>>> nu.mgz (the nu used in talairach gets discarded).
>>> Nick
>>> On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 09:10 +0200, Ed Gronenschild wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As of version 5.1 the Talairach stage precedes the nu-correction
>>>> stage.
>>>> Is there an option or possibility to switch this order?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
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> <recon-all>

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