You will have to mri_convert all the .nii files so that they have the 
proper TR.

On 03/27/2012 12:51 PM, Kiley Seymour wrote:
> Hi Doug. I just made a dummy folder with an eccen run. It got around
> the error  XCond = cond(XtX) but took me back to the original error :
> TR mismatch error despite me re-doing the preprocessing and re-
> mri_concat-enating my SPM nii files into a 4D file for each run.
> Do you think using mri_concat with --regheader could be the problem?
> Or perhaps the fact that dicoms were converted to nii files in a
> program that was not freesufer?
> K
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Kiley Seymour
> <>  wrote:
>> no I don't.
>> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Douglas N Greve
>> <>  wrote:
>>> Do you not have any eccen runs?
>>> doug
>>> On 03/27/2012 06:55 AM, Kiley Seymour wrote:
>>>> Dear Doug,
>>>> I am aware I am becoming a regular pain. But I now encounter the
>>>> following problem when running selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s
>>>> CMRU1711. I have also attached my and Xtmp.mat files
>>>> Thanks for all of your suggestions.
>>>> K
>>>> #@# CMRU1711 ###############################
>>>> /media/sf_DATA1/RETINOTOPY/CMRU1711
>>>> -------------------------
>>>> $Id: fast_selxavg3.m,v 1.100 2011/03/02 16:14:38 greve Exp $
>>>> /home/virtualuser/freesurfer/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg3.m
>>>> /home/virtualuser/freesurfer/fsfast/toolbox/fast_ldanaflac.m
>>>> /home/virtualuser/freesurfer/matlab/MRIread.m
>>>> -------------------------
>>>> outtop = /media/sf_DATA1/RETINOTOPY
>>>> Extension format = nii.gz
>>>> nruns = 3
>>>> autostimdur =
>>>> outanadir = /media/sf_DATA1/RETINOTOPY/CMRU1711/bold/rtopy.self.lh
>>>> Found 138599/149490 (92.7) voxels in mask
>>>> Creating Design Matrix
>>>>   ... creation time =  0.008 sec
>>>> DoMCFit = 1
>>>> ntptot = 369, nX = 33, DOF = 336
>>>> Saving X matrix to
>>>> /media/sf_DATA1/RETINOTOPY/CMRU1711/bold/rtopy.self.lh/Xtmp.mat
>>>> Error using svd
>>>> Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.
>>>> Error in cond (line 39)
>>>>     s = svd(A);
>>>> Error in fast_selxavg3 (line 254)
>>>>    XCond = cond(XtX);
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> --
>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
>>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>>> Bugs:
>>> FileDrop:
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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