Hi Finnegan, there's nothing there that looks wrong with your commands, 
but I agree that those values look too high. It is possible that some of 
the 12 voxels in the ROI is causing the problem. If you go into the 
subject's analysis dir, you'll see a mask there that corresponds to your 
ROI. You can load that in matlab, find the voxels in the mask, then load 
the beta.nii.gz and extract out the values from those voxels to see if 
something looks funny. Also, check to see whether any of the mask falls 
into ventricle.

Finnegan Calabro wrote:
> Hi all, we're using 5.1 to analyze some single subject, event-related 
> functional data, and are getting some strangely high values for % signal 
> change when using func2roi-sess and roisummary-sess.  
> Here are the commands we're running:
> func2roi-sess -s LMV2012_N01_heading -roidef rhmed_singlevsdouble_1 -analysis 
> glheadgen_analysis -labelfile 
> /home/vmrao17/freesurfer/subjects/LMV2012_N01/label/rhmed_singlevsdouble_1.label
>  -maskcontrast allvsoff -maskthresh 1.50 -masktail pos -maskmap sig
> roisummary-sess -sumfile /home/vmrao17/tmp/summary.txt -roidef 
> rhmed_singlevsdouble_1 -analysis glheadgen_analysis -s LMV2012_N01_heading
> And this is the output of summary.txt:
> LMV2012_N01_heading    
>           51
>           12
>   123.737160
>     1.535988
>  1572.000000
>     0.050000
>    -0.000000
>           21
>            1
>     0.734151
>     3.595402
>     4.435675
>     5.482294
>     0.544176
>    -0.166144
>     2.951724
>     2.114511
>     3.178010
>     2.814232
>     0.944738
>     0.466052
>     8.508595
>     7.646451
>     6.767788
>     9.197896
>     8.802674
>    11.339759
>     7.822568
>     4.040024
>     8.018742
> The problem is that the effect size values seem very high and/or the baseline 
> seems very low (e.g., 100*11.33/123.7=9%!).
> In 4.5 we were computing a scaling factor for these values, but my 
> understanding was that in 5.1 that was no longer needed, correct?  Is there 
> anything else we should be doing differently when computing % signal change 
> from this output now?  The only other strange thing I notice is that the TER 
> value is 0.05, but documentation describes TR/20 and our TR=2sec, which would 
> seem to suggest it should be 0.1 instead of 0.05?
> I'm attaching the full output log for the two commands above as well.  
> Anything that we're obviously doing wrong? Thanks!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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