I don't think tthere is a way in qdec to define either. You can run 
mri_surfcluster externally to remove clusters under a certain size. With 
a few tricks you can remove the ones over a certain size too.

Dusan Hirjak wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I am a beginner in using Freesurfer. I did an explorative study 
> where I correlated cotical thickness with different neuropsychological 
> parameters: I found positive correlations between cortical thickness 
> and higher scores on different neuropsychological scales in different 
> brain regions. However, some of these brain regions (clusters) with 
> cortical thinning are only covering a very small surface area (blue 
> color). I was now wondering if there is a possibility in Qdec to 
> manually define the minimal and maximal cluster size, which I want to 
> show? 
> Thanks in advance!
> Dusan
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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