Hi Minjie,

The pathstats.byvoxel.txt gives the statistics of the higest probability
streamline of the posterior distribution of the tract and the
pathstats.overall.txt gives you average diffusion values for the whole

Please refer to the following:


Your pathstats.overall.txt does not look right. For instance the center
streamline's length (Len_Center = 0). Did you open the posterior
probability distribution of this tract?

You can use the following command to do the same:

freeview <path/to/your/data>/dpath/path.pd.nii.gz

If it does not look right then something probably went wrong during the
path reconstruction. If you can send us your trac-all.log, we can check
for anything that went wrong.

Hope this is helpful.,


> Hello Tracula Developer & User,
> I found a few subjects have pathstat.overall.txt information but with
> blank voxel information in pathstats.byvoxel.txt. For such tracts,
> they usually len_min = len_max = len_avg. Anyone know what happened
> for the fiber tracking? Is it possible to extract the byvoxel
> information along the tract?
> Thanks,
> Minjie
> For example:
> [minjiewu@ccmfsl1 data]$ more
> 22331/dpath/rh.slfp_PP_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.overall.txt
> # Title Pathway Statistics
> #
> # generating_program /ccm/pavuluri/imgsw/freesurfer/bin/dmri_pathstats
> # cvs_version
> # cmdline /ccm/pavuluri/imgsw/freesurfer/bin/dmri_pathstats --intrc
> /ccm/pavuluri/rest/DTI/data/22331/dpath/rh.slfp_PP_avg33_mni_bbr
> --dtbase /ccm/pavuluri/rest/DTI/data/223
> 31/dmri/dtifit --path rh.slfp --subj 22331 --out
> /ccm/pavuluri/rest/DTI/data/22331/dpath/rh.slfp_PP_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.overall.txt
> --outvox /ccm/pavuluri/rest/DTI/data/
> 22331/dpath/rh.slfp_PP_avg33_mni_bbr/pathstats.byvoxel.txt
> # sysname Linux
> # hostname ccmfsl2.psych.uic.edu
> # machine x86_64
> # user minjiewu
> # anatomy_type pathway
> #
> # subjectname 22331
> # pathwayname rh.slfp
> #
> Count 1000
> Volume 86
> Len_Min 86
> Len_Max 86
> Len_Avg 86
> Len_Center 0
> AD_Avg 0.00112029
> AD_Avg_Weight 0.00112029
> AD_Avg_Center nan
> RD_Avg 0.000783836
> RD_Avg_Weight 0.000783836
> RD_Avg_Center nan
> MD_Avg 0.000895987
> MD_Avg_Weight 0.000895987
> MD_Avg_Center nan
> FA_Avg 0.264347
> FA_Avg_Weight 0.264347
> FA_Avg_Center nan
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