Dear all,

I have successfully run the freesurfer-steps for my subject and completed it 
without errors. After that I started MNE to create my BEM meshes. The manual 
tells me, for MNE to do that, the mri_watershed routine from freesurfer is 
used. Also, this runs fine, as far as the four surfaces (brain, inner_skull, 
outer_skull and outer_skin) are produced.
Here is the problem: when MNE wants to create the BEM geometry file, it checks 
whether the surfaces are overlapping or not. Apparently they do:

outer skin  CM is   0.20  -3.31  10.19 mm
Going from 5th to 4th subdivision of an icosahedron (ntri: 20480 -> 5120)

outer skin  CM is   0.20  -3.31  10.19 mm
outer skull CM is   0.20  -3.19   9.75 mm
inner skull CM is   0.08  -5.38  17.14 mm
Checking that outer skull surface is inside outer skin  surface...[ok]
Checking that inner skull surface is inside outer skull surface...[failed]
Surface inner skull is not completely inside surface outer skull(sum of solid 
angles = -3.98566e-16 * 4*PI).
Coulnd't create the geometry file

Though I do not know what CM or these numbers in mm given mean, I can tell by 
using freeview, that the surfaces indeed overlap. 
My questions are now: which of all the files freesurfer created in the 
recon-all processes does the mri_watershed routine use? In other words, which 
of the surfs or transform do I have to check and manually edit to get rid of 
this problem? And which recon-processes do I have to run again? Is there an 
easier way around this problem?
As always, help is very much appreciated. Thanks.

Maria J. Felber, PhD Student
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Stephanstraße 1A 
04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone:  +49 341 9940-2465/2522

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