Hi Antonella,

1). I wonder if the GLM group analysis that is described on the webpage you 
sent me (as instructed by Doug and Bruce, I was aware of this webpage and I
used it for my
QDEC studies but I am not sure if can be used for DTI data analysis) can be 
used for a DTI group analysis.

The concepts are the same, so you shoudl be able to use the same guideline for your diffusion analysis.

Can I use the tksurfer to analyse  my data and see the significant clusters OR 
I will need to use the freeview as described on the DTI basic website?

You would only use tksurfer if your data is represented on surface maps. I assume that you are doing your diffusion analysis in the volume so you can follow the wiki instructions about using FreeView.

2). Also registration of lowb to same-subject anatomical using FSLs flirt 
mask.nii and register.dat files. Can you please expalin what is the mask.nii?

These files are created by the dt_recon stream if I am correct. We do not use the mask.nii file, but it is one attempt to create a brainmask file from the diffusion data. The register.dat file represents the transform between diffusion and structural space.

3). Is fa-tal.nii the resampled image in TAL_to_avg35 template?

It is the resampled image in Talairach space.

4) How can I gaet the TAL_to_avg35 template?

I am not sure what template you are referring to.

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