Hi Bente,

so you did process subjectname_pre_nii and subjectname_post_dicom
independently with freesurfer (recon-all)? You should have those
directories in you subjects dir.

I have never seen the error you are getting. Can you send me the full
recon-all.log to see at what step it is failing?

In the meantime you can look at the orig.mgz in the
subjectname_template/mri dir (and other images, nu.mgz, brainmaks.mgz,
norm.mgz) if they look OK.

Thanks, Martin

On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 14:55 -0500, bbru...@bidmc.harvard.edu wrote:
> Dear FS-experts,
> I'm doing a longitudinal comparison of cortical thickness and am therefore 
> following the steps of the longitudinal stream on the freesurfer wiki.
> I've created templates for all of my subjects but one, for which I received 
> an error message trying to create the template (or base).
> This is the command:
> recon-all -base subjectname_template -tp subjectname_pre_nii -tp 
> subjectname_post_dicom -all
> This is the error message I receive:
> recon-all -s subjectname_template exited with ERRORS at Wed Nov 16 18:19:57 
> EST 2011
> When I look in the logfile, I read this line (repeated):
> mhtVoxelList_Add(139, 172, 245, 85437): complete list too big!
> etc. 
> Is this something I can fix? Are my pre and post files not compatible?
> I hope you can help me, thanks in advance!
> Bente
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