Hi all,

I am conducting a contrast of z (r) maps from 3 seed-based resting-state
networks (e.g., 1 > 2 and 3). To eliminate the influence of
anticorrelations on the contrast results, I thresholded the z (r) maps at 0
before running mri_glmfit, thereby eliminating voxels with negative z (r)
values. The command completed successfully but the resulting sig maps did
not contain voxels with any values. I have attached the fsgd and contrast
files and pasted the command and output below. Can anyone identify the
problem here?

*Potentially problematic portion of output:*
Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
Found 0 voxels in mask
Saving mask to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/mask.mgh
search space = 0.000000

*Entire command and output: *
[kreature:kbickart_fcmap_ASN_Anchor_AmyPks_buckner_YC] (nmr-stable5.1-env)
mri_glmfit --y LR_Amy_lOFCpk2
_vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz --allowsubjrep --fsgd
ired3.fsgd doss --C /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired.mat
--glmdir LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
gdfReadHeader: reading /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd
INFO: DeMeanFlag keyword not found, DeMeaning will NOT be done.
Continuous Variable Means (all subjects)
0 roi1_vs_roi2_vs_roi3 0 0.707107
Class Means of each Continuous Variable
1 Class_081028_BC77WB   0.0000
2 Class_081028_XE45TK   0.0000
3 Class_081028_YY28TK   0.0000
$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2011/05/05 20:54:25 greve Exp $
cmdline mri_glmfit --y LR_Amy_lOFCpk2_vs_vmPFCpk2_and_cACCpk2_pos_4D.nii.gz
--allowsubjrep --fsgd /autof
s/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd doss --C
.mat --glmdir LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
sysname  Linux
hostname kreature
machine  x86_64
user     kbickart
FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
OneSampleGroupMean 0
logyflag 0
usedti  0
FSGD /autofs/homes/006/kbickart/AmySubNet_glm/paired3.fsgd
glmdir LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
IllCondOK 0
ReScaleX 1
DoFFx 0
Creating output directory LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2
Loading y from
llINFO: gd2mtx_method is doss
Saving design matrix to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/Xg.dat
Normalized matrix condition is 1
Matrix condition is 44.5
Pruning voxels by thr: 0.000000
Found 0 voxels in mask
Saving mask to LR_Amy_lOFC2_glm2/mask.mgh
search space = 0.000000
DOF = 177
Starting fit and test
Fit completed in 0.0148667 minutes
Computing spatial AR1 in volume.
fMRIspatialAR1(): hit 0 voxels
WARNING: no voxels in AR1 computation
Residual: ar1mn = (nan,nan,nan) fwhm = (nan,nan,nan) nan
Writing results
    maxvox sig=0  F=0  at  index 0 0 0    seed=1321328111
mri_glmfit done

Kevin Bickart
MD-PhD Student
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Boston University School of Medicine

live UP to it

Attachment: paired3.fsgd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: paired.mat
Description: Binary data

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