
1)      I reiterate my question, because i cannot continue processing. Some 
vertices are not labeled in the rh.aparc.annot in bert as 35643,36746,37788.....

2)      The parcels of my subject are not connex.

Below is the detail on my first email. Thank you very much for answering me

De : Ben Hamida Cammoun Leila Faiza
Envoyé : jeudi 6 octobre 2011 14:53
À : Objet : nonconnexity and holes in parcels

I am using freesurfer v5.1.0 (on ubuntu). when processing reconall on my data I 
notice on the parcellation aparc.annot two strange points:
some isolated small regions not annotated, as well as the non connexity of some 
parcels. I checked the bert aparc.annot on inflated surface and I found the 
same problem of non connexity, for instance some medialorbitofrontal labeled 
vertices (vertex index 108562) in rostralanteriorcingulate, or vertex num 
103429 labeled as insula in lateralorbitofrontal parcel.
In lingual there is also a small hole without annotation like vertices: 

is this normal?  if yes, how can we correct that?
thanks in advance
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