Dear All,

I am trying to correlate clinical disability measure ALSFRS score with cortical 
thickness in ALS patients. Attached is the fsgd file. I am not able to run 
mris_preproc with this fsgd file "ERROR message: is no subjects specified"  
what am I doing wrong here , also my design matrix contrast is 1 0  am I right. 
I am interested in seeing whether there any correlation between cortical 
thickness changes in ALS patients with their ALSFRS score.




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 GroupDescriptorFile 1

class Main
variables ALSFRS

input sub_03    Main 28
input sub_05    Main 36
input sub_06    Main 28
input sub_08    Main 22
input sub_09    Main 20
input sub_10    Main 32
input sub_13    Main 33
input sub_14    Main 40
input sub_16    Main 31
input sub_17    Main 37
input sub_20    Main 16
input sub_22    Main 31
input sub_24    Main 36
input sub_25    Main 21
input sub_26    Main 35
input sub_27    Main 36
input sub_28    Main 31
input sub_29    Main 41
input sub_30    Main 37
input sub_32    Main 37

1 0
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