Dear Freesurfers,

I know that Qdec outputs coordinates in a "Freesurfer specific space", rather 
than in Talairach space, per this old thread

However, I found that mri_surfcluster (Freesurfer v5.0) in its summary output 
also outputs coordinates in this same "Freesurfer specific space", even though 
the columns indicate TalX, TalY and TalZ. I was going to use this summary info 
to list the location of the statistical maxima of each cluster in a cortical 
thickness p-map. 

Is this a bug in mri_surfcluster? Any suggestions on how to get the coordinate 

Here is the summary info for the left hemisphere (note the positive TalX 
values, when all X values should be negative):

# Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)
# $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2011/03/28 15:32:36 greve Exp $
# $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.2 2011/04/27 19:21:05 nicks Exp $
# CreationTime 2011/07/23-17:08:39-GMT
# cmdline mri_surfcluster --in ./lh.CvsA.glmdir/group.diff/sig.mgh --subject 
fsaverage --hemi lh --surf inflated --thmin 1.301 --sum 
lh.CvsA.thickness.summary --oannot ./lh.CvsA.thickness.annot 
# cwd /prod4/other/freesurfer/glm_cth/age_of_onset
# sysname  Linux
# hostname everest
# machine  x86_64
# FixVertexAreaFlag 1
# FixSurfClusterArea 1
# Input      ./lh.CvsA.glmdir/group.diff/sig.mgh
# Frame Number      0
# srcsubj fsaverage
# hemi lh
# surface inflated
# SUBJECTS_DIR /prod4/other/freesurfer/subjects
# SearchSpace_mm2 62822.2
# SearchSpace_vtx 163842
# Bonferroni 0
# Minimum Threshold 1.301
# Maximum Threshold infinity
# Threshold Sign    abs
# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
# Area Threshold    0 mm^2
# Overall max 2.53286 at vertex 81529
# Overall min -2.67513 at vertex 24566
# NClusters          36
# Total Cortical Surface Area 62822.2 (mm^2)
# FixMNI = 1
# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    NVtxs
   1       -2.675   24566    287.98      7.6   95.9    0.5   533
   2        2.533   81529     83.49     -7.4  -28.4   50.2   199
   3        2.530    6795    386.88    -15.4  -86.6   -9.4   677
   4       -2.496  129236     79.10    -27.0   27.1   22.6   166
   5       -2.483  138360    227.18     -5.7   84.6    2.6   343
   6        2.481   18891    211.45      3.4  -96.6  -26.2   373
   7        2.460   33958    277.19     37.6    5.5   15.4   354

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